Promos for the next ep 'Bringing out the Dead' which will be aired on 2nd February
Short Promo...
Extended Promo...
Canadian Promo...

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Friday, 20 January 2012
Vampire Diaries 3x12 Song List
Ep 12 - 'The Ties That Bind'
The Boxer Rebellion - "Code Red"
The Black Keys - "Lonely Boy"
Delta Spirit - "Money Saves"
Diane Birch "Rewind (Acoustic)"
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Michael Trevino teases tonight's episode!
The Vampire Diaries' hybrid played by Michael Trevino has a lot of grovelling to do in tonight's episode...and a lot of pain to go through if he wants to keep his girlfriend Caroline (Candice Accola) after almost killing her in last week's episode. We're pretty sure you can't heal a bite mark with an "I'm sorry!" Teddy bear and card, you know?
We chatted with Trevino about Tyler's attempts to redeem himself in Caroline's eyes, a potential face-off with his sire Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and how he feels about the new Klaus and Caroline chemistry that everyone's talking about...
Full article at Eonline!
Joseph Morgan Interview With TV Line
Joseph Morgan of The Vampire Diaries (Thursdays, 8/7c) is very “excited” about Klaus’ new romantic storyline on the CW drama. And after watching last week’s episode, we can see why. Sharing a single, but powerful scene with Caroline, Klaus pretty much sealed our suspicions that the blonde vamp is the object of his desire.
Below, Morgan talks about the difficulties of wooing his new love interest, Klaus and Stefan’s game of one-upmanship, his character’s family troubles, breaking sire bonds and more!
We have to talk about this love interest that Klaus is getting. What can you hint about the storyline?
He has his eye on somebody. It’s not going to be an easy process for him. He’s used to getting his way, and he’s not going to get his way straight away here. This girl is going to play hard to get and is going to be difficult for him to woo. And after a 1,000 years of the same old, same old, to have someone new and interesting and intriguing is a novel concept for him. So a part of it is the excitement of having this new challenge and part of it is just I feel like he’s picky. You roam for a 1,000 years, you’ve been there and done that, so he really is looking for someone who is going to challenge and stimulate him, and I think he really does find that. So I’ve enjoyed tremendously the last couple of episodes, playing a different side to him, and it’s different to how he is with his family. … It’s a different kind of humanity, a different kind of emotion, with somebody who you’re trying to woo, who you are trying to invest in, and you desperately want to invest in you.
Were you surprised by who the person is?
Yes. It’s not what I saw coming. … It’s incredibly exciting. That could be said for all off the twists and turns. Every time I get script I’m like, “Really?! Oh my goodness, I didn’t see that coming.” Even to the point when I got my first script — “This guy’s a hybrid?! What?” It’s all so exciting.
They’re introducing your brothers, Kol and Finn. What’s Klaus’ dynamic with them like?
Is their introduction a good thing or a bad thing for Klaus?
Stefan’s playing pretty hardcore with the coffin business, and Klaus hasn’t had a lot of luck with him and the standoff. What is he going to do next?
Bonnie’s kind of teamed up with Stefan in this whole ordeal. Does that bring her into conflict with Klaus?
Their last confrontation was in the high school was pretty nasty. Is there another big face-off coming?
Let’s talk about the relationship with Tyler and that weird little dynamic. Is there any way that a sire bond can be broken?
For the answers to all these questions visit TV Line here
Below, Morgan talks about the difficulties of wooing his new love interest, Klaus and Stefan’s game of one-upmanship, his character’s family troubles, breaking sire bonds and more!
We have to talk about this love interest that Klaus is getting. What can you hint about the storyline?
He has his eye on somebody. It’s not going to be an easy process for him. He’s used to getting his way, and he’s not going to get his way straight away here. This girl is going to play hard to get and is going to be difficult for him to woo. And after a 1,000 years of the same old, same old, to have someone new and interesting and intriguing is a novel concept for him. So a part of it is the excitement of having this new challenge and part of it is just I feel like he’s picky. You roam for a 1,000 years, you’ve been there and done that, so he really is looking for someone who is going to challenge and stimulate him, and I think he really does find that. So I’ve enjoyed tremendously the last couple of episodes, playing a different side to him, and it’s different to how he is with his family. … It’s a different kind of humanity, a different kind of emotion, with somebody who you’re trying to woo, who you are trying to invest in, and you desperately want to invest in you.
Were you surprised by who the person is?
Yes. It’s not what I saw coming. … It’s incredibly exciting. That could be said for all off the twists and turns. Every time I get script I’m like, “Really?! Oh my goodness, I didn’t see that coming.” Even to the point when I got my first script — “This guy’s a hybrid?! What?” It’s all so exciting.
They’re introducing your brothers, Kol and Finn. What’s Klaus’ dynamic with them like?
Is their introduction a good thing or a bad thing for Klaus?
Stefan’s playing pretty hardcore with the coffin business, and Klaus hasn’t had a lot of luck with him and the standoff. What is he going to do next?
Bonnie’s kind of teamed up with Stefan in this whole ordeal. Does that bring her into conflict with Klaus?
Their last confrontation was in the high school was pretty nasty. Is there another big face-off coming?
Let’s talk about the relationship with Tyler and that weird little dynamic. Is there any way that a sire bond can be broken?
For the answers to all these questions visit TV Line here
Torrey DeVitto Interview with EW
When Torrey DeVitto was cast on The Vampire Diaries, she thought it was just going to be a three-episode arc. But with her stay in Mystic Falls continuing — she’s shot more than a handful of episodes and is still filming — you might want to keep an eye on Dr. Meredith Fell.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Last week’s episode established that Dr. Fell is a member of a Founding Family and on the Council. So has she been in town for awhile and we just haven’t met her until now?
TORREY DEVITTO: When I talked to [exec producer Julie Plec], my take on it was that she’s obviously from there, left and went to medical school, and she’s just coming back into town.
We saw her in a heated discussion with medical examiner Brian Walters, who was telling her she’d ruin her career and asking if she knew what she was messing with. I assume she’s not interested in Alaric’s supernatural healing abilities and vampires to find a cure for Alzheimer’s or cancer.
[Laughs] Well, it’s really interesting. There’s a lot of little twists and turns when it comes to Meredith, and it’s so hard for me to say anything without giving it away. Even I, when I read that in the script, didn’t know. What’s happening? Why would he say that? I had to wait until the next episode that I read. Let’s just say something I like about her is that she’s fearless in a sense. She’s a very strong-willed woman, and I enjoy playing women like that.
What can you tease about what Brian might have meant when he told Alaric that Meredith was a “psycho case?” I know you won’t tell me if she’s the one who murdered Brian.
What do we have to look forward to when she starts sharing scenes with Damon?
Being married to Paul Wesley, you’ve obviously known the Vampire Diaries cast for awhile. But did Paul give you any fun advice on working opposite Ian Somerhalder and Matt Davis?
I talked to Paul last week about his Bad Stefan arc, and he said you told him, “I’ve always enjoyed watching Stefan. But now that you’re playing him as the bad guy, it’s, like, infinitely more entertaining and pleasurable to watch.” What have you enjoyed most about that arc for him?
I was telling him that with Stefan, it’s just the best of both worlds. I think when we like a bad boy, we think we’ll be the one who can change him. With Stefan, we know he can be changed. We’ve seen it before. So we can really enjoy Bad Stefan now?
Getting back to Meredith, is there anything you’d like to see her get to do during her time in Mystic Falls?
For the answers to all these questions visit EW here
Candice Accola talks 3x14 'Dangerous Liasons'

"I'm really excited there's an episode where there's a ball. Everyone got to get all dressed up," she says. "We took ball dancing lessons. It was really fun. I'm excited for people to see that episode for many more reasons besides the fact that we got to get dressed up, but I don't want to give those reasons away. I'm just going to say because we got all dressed up, which is code for a lot of s--t goes down."
Full article at Eonline!
Vampire Diaries 3x14 Official Synopsis
Ep 14 - 'Dangerous Liasons'
SOME ENCHANTED EVENING — Elena (Nina Dobrev) is surprised to receive an invitation to a formal ball, and when Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) hear the party is being hosted at Klaus’s newly renovated mansion, they both insist on attending the event with her. Caroline (Candice Accola) and Matt (Zach Roerig) also receive invitations to the ball from unexpected admirers. At the elegant party, Elena learns of a horrifying plan that could lead to numerous deaths and she must decide who she can trust with her new information. Caroline discovers a side of Klaus (Joseph Morgan) no one would have suspected. Finally, after an evening of violence and dashed hopes, Damon finds a new way to cope. Chris Grismer directed the episode written by Caroline Dries. (#314).
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Interview with Michael Trevino on How far will Tyler go for Caroline?
On last week's episode of "The Vampire Diaries" Tyler (Michael Trevino) finally dropped the L-bomb with Caroline (Candice Accola)... and then delivered a fatal bite to her neck because a psychotic serial murderer told him to do it.
Luckily, we sat down with our favorite werewolf-turned-werevamp for a mini-press conference at The CW's headquarters this morning, and it sounds like Tyler will be doing everything possible to make amends.
Full article outlining the above video at Zap2it
Joseph Morgan Interview With PopSugar
Joseph Morgan talks to PopSugar about Klaus' love interest, the originals and more...
it's sociopathic. One minute he can be your best friend, and the next minute he's thinking how he's going to tear your throat up. A real power trip for Klaus is to be able to manipulate someone. So Klaus is a character that we've been told from the beginning is almost pure evil, but every week we see a little bit more humanity. So, what's going on there? I think there's only so long you can kind of sustain that two-dimensional evil before you have to learn about its roots. You have to find out about where that came from, you know, otherwise we're just gonna write him off. We're gonna hate the character, and we need to sort of understand him if we are going to relate to him in the slightest. So I think it was important for the writers to expand the upon the character's attributes and his history and just sort of flesh all of that out to make it three dimensional believable character. In real life things aren't that polarized normally. People aren't just good or evil, there's many different motivations for those things. So I think it was important to sort of try as much as we can to set it in the real world even though we're dealing with vampires and witches and werewolves Right. And ghosts. And we know one of his soft spots is his family. Yes. And I kind of say that this is his one soft spot, but are there more soft spots to Klaus? We're going to see more, yeah. There's you know one thing now we talked about, and which I've been pushing for for seems like a long time, is a love interest there is someone who takes his eye, there is someone he's interested in. And Klaus is used to getting what he wants, he's used to sort of if he can't take it, he'll compel someone into it or he'll just grab it by force or whatever but this person he's interested in having any of that, and that presents him with a challenge and also intrigues him, and as we know once you start playing hard to get that really encourages the hunter the more so yeah, there's definitely a different side to him that we'll see there. It's one thing to see that kind of tender side with his family, with his sister, for example, but it's a whole other thing with someone trying to woo someone a very crafty way of trying to narrow it down. And who is this? Is it someone we met before? So I applaud your craftiness you're going to have to get up a little earlier in the morning. There are some really strong reasons why she isn't just wooed by him straight away but you know he does have a thousand years of experience, and he's, you know, very kind of, we're going to learn, you know, a very kind of cultured man as well as being, you know sadistic killer and so there are elements from that can be very charming so it's going to be a struggle for her. Why he doesn't just compel her I think why he didn't just compile staff and straight away to sort of just be, you know, be a remorseless killer. He wanted him to come around himself to make his own decisions that, you know, it would be easy for Klaus to just compile someone to love him or to, you know, like Damon did to Andy Starr to make her his girlfriend through compulsion but I think really the real power trip for Klaus is to be able to manipulate into that, to be able to make them believe it's their decision, you know. So how much of the human is still in Klaus then? You know, I'm starting to believe more and more, I don't think we're ever going to find him hanging out at the Mystic Grill with Jeremy, you know, in his time off, but I do think there's a certain level of humanity. They talk about on our show when you're a vampire, your emotions are intensified. And so that's why a lot of vampires shut it off, but I think for Klaus, he has a very very deep well of emotion. And once his family starts appearing, things start him that, you know that it's very difficult to stop. And, so yeah, I think there's a very strong human element to him, but then you humans can be cruel as well and can be all kinds of terrible, so that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing. And I know we're going to meet more original brothers, so what can you tell me about the characters and actors playing them. Well we know their names, don't we. We know we're gonna meet Kol and Finn. and we know that they're, yeah, like you say, they're my siblings. I can't really reveal what episode we're going to meet them in or under what circumstance, but I can tell believe that I like them both very much, the actors, and we've got a proper little, you know, it's going to be a proper little gang with everybody No, I like everybody in my family now. Yeah, and I can also tell you that the, from what I've read, stroke scene, stroke hypothesize, so just being a little vague here. They each have very individual characters. Each of the original siblings are very different, they haven't just you know, there isn't just across the board, like you would be able to say, oh, I'm this one because of this and, you know, it's really easy to kind of define their personalities. And that's again credit to the writers, you know for making them three dimensional and continuing to flesh out my character. Yeah. What's the most fun thing you get to do as him. The one thing that I continue to enjoy is switch in him you know that one where one minute he can be laughing and the next minute is just like the emotion drains out of his face and suddenly the person is like wait a minute, what just happened? I like that because it's sociopathic. One minute he can be your best friend, and the next minute he's thinking of how he's gonna tear your throat out. Mm-hm. is something really interesting, that he can just flip on a dime like that, using an American expression to make it simple for you. And is he ever going to make friends with I think he desperately wants that. More than anything he's lonely. So that's really what what he wanted from Stefan, kind of what he wants from Tyler I think with this whole siren. The thing is that Klaus hasn't figured out yet that you don't make friends through fear through frightening people into being your friend you know he really has a hard time developing relationships that are based on trust because he feels like his family and he abandoned him and his father, and never loved him. And so he can't, it's so dysfunctional the roots of it all, that he has trouble kind of about Pinot's relationships with, but, yeah, I -- I hope so for his sake because otherwise it's just gonna get worse for everyone else. Yeah. is a fan. Every time you turn on an episode, there's always a little bit of a fear that this might be the episode that Klause gets killed. Oh, yeah, me too. So do you have that fear? The internet. I remember the end of season season 2 reading that big sacrifice, episode 21, and they're all planning to kill him, and they're so sure it's going to work. I started to believe it. I was like oh my god, I'm just going to flip to the end. I don't want to go yet. I'm really enjoying myself, I love my job so I'd love to play this character for a little while longer and explore a little more of him but if they do kill me I know it will be in a very dramatic, epic fashion so...
NEW Vampire Diaries Exclusive Promo Poster - Congratulations Nina Dobrev
Thanks to the fans, The CW had a great night at last week's People's Choice Awards -- in addition to "Supernatural" winning two awards, "The Vampire Diaries" star Nina Dobrev won Favourite TV Drama Actress (beating Blake Lively, Ellen Pompeo, Eva Longoria, and Emily Deschanel).
Now, Zap2it can exclusively reveal the awesome new poster that The CW team created to congratulate Dobrev on her big win. Seriously, how bloody cool is that? The ad is released just in time for February Sweeps, which we're hearing feature some of Dobrev's best performances yet. Make sure you tune in on Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST to see just how deserving she is of that award.
In a true testament to the power of the "TVD" family, Dobrev is the first-ever People's Choice winner who wasn't on the initial ballot. Fans diligently wrote her name in time and again. Dobrev has said that winning a PCA was a big dream of hers, so all of your votes were the perfect thank-you for the hours of hard work she puts in as both Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce.
In addition to the poster above, The CW took out the ad below to congratulate Dobrev. It's so refreshing to see the network supporting its stars, shows, and fans in such fun ways.
Congrats Nina!
New Guest Announcement For Insurgence 4
The Rogue Insider has just very kindly announced via Twitter that the next guest for Insurgence 4 will be MALESE JOW aka Anna.
Follow Rogue Insider on Twitter
As soon as any more details are available, I will update.
Guest list so far:
Ian Somerhalder - Damon Follow Rogue Insider on Twitter
Paul Wesley - Stefan
Steven R McQueen - Jeremy
Daniel Gillies - Elijah
Malese Jow - Anna
Update on Insurgence 4
Since we havent spoke about the upcoming TVD convention in Birmingham, UK for a while. Lets have an update.
The event takes place on the weekend of 22-24 June 2012 at the Hilton Bimingham Metropole Hotel.
Guests of Honour so far include:
Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore)
Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore)
Daniel Gillies (Elijah)
Steven R McQueen (Jeremy Gilbert)*
* - Bonus guest
Emerald Tickets for the Event are as follows:
Adult - £95
Child - £50
A standard Emerald weekend package includes;
A Souvenir Booklet
A Convention Badge
1 Autograph per guest (excluding bonus or sponsored guests)
Access to all Stage Talks
Themed Parties/Discos
Access to Vendors Room
To purchase a ticket please click here
Upgrades are available. These must be bought on top of your Emerald Ticket. These are as follows:
Diamond Upgrade - £345
Ruby Upgrade - £225
Sapphire Upgrade - £155
To find out what these upgrades include and/or to buy please visit Rogue Events
Finally, photo tickets are available to buy right now! Prices are as follows:
Ian Somerhalder - £40
Paul Wesley - £35
Daniel Gillies - £20
Steven R McQueen - £25
Please remember, Steven is a bonus guest and will not be included in any of the upgrade packages! You will have to buy his shoot seperately if you wish to have one.
To buy photo tickets, please visit here
Themes for the Friday and Saturday night parties have also been announced! They will be as follows:
Friday Night - Night out at Glorias - 1920's theme
Saturday Night - Masquerade
Approximate Timings of the Weekend
Friday Registration from 1pm
Friday Night Disco from 8pm to 12pm
Saturday Registration from 7.30am
Saturday Opening Ceremony at 9am
Saturday Events Starts 9.15am & Finishes at 5.15pm
Saturday Entertainment Starts 7.30pm & Finishes at 2am
Sunday Opening Notes at 9am
Sunday Events Starts 9.15am & Finishes at 5.15pm
Sunday Closing Ceremony 5.30pm to 6pm
Sunday Entertainment Starts 7.30pm & Finishes at 11pm
If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I will reply if I know the answer!
The event takes place on the weekend of 22-24 June 2012 at the Hilton Bimingham Metropole Hotel.
Guests of Honour so far include:
Ian Somerhalder (Damon Salvatore)
Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore)
Daniel Gillies (Elijah)
Steven R McQueen (Jeremy Gilbert)*
* - Bonus guest
Emerald Tickets for the Event are as follows:
Adult - £95
Child - £50
A standard Emerald weekend package includes;
A Souvenir Booklet
A Convention Badge
1 Autograph per guest (excluding bonus or sponsored guests)
Access to all Stage Talks
Themed Parties/Discos
Access to Vendors Room
To purchase a ticket please click here
Upgrades are available. These must be bought on top of your Emerald Ticket. These are as follows:
Diamond Upgrade - £345
Ruby Upgrade - £225
Sapphire Upgrade - £155
To find out what these upgrades include and/or to buy please visit Rogue Events
Finally, photo tickets are available to buy right now! Prices are as follows:
Ian Somerhalder - £40
Paul Wesley - £35
Daniel Gillies - £20
Steven R McQueen - £25
Please remember, Steven is a bonus guest and will not be included in any of the upgrade packages! You will have to buy his shoot seperately if you wish to have one.
To buy photo tickets, please visit here
Themes for the Friday and Saturday night parties have also been announced! They will be as follows:
Friday Night - Night out at Glorias - 1920's theme
Saturday Night - Masquerade
Approximate Timings of the Weekend
Friday Registration from 1pm
Friday Night Disco from 8pm to 12pm
Saturday Registration from 7.30am
Saturday Opening Ceremony at 9am
Saturday Events Starts 9.15am & Finishes at 5.15pm
Saturday Entertainment Starts 7.30pm & Finishes at 2am
Sunday Opening Notes at 9am
Sunday Events Starts 9.15am & Finishes at 5.15pm
Sunday Closing Ceremony 5.30pm to 6pm
Sunday Entertainment Starts 7.30pm & Finishes at 11pm
If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I will reply if I know the answer!
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Coming up on The Vampire Diaries...
Any Possible upcoming Stefan/Caroline?
Candice Accola is a "big fan" of scenes between the two, but says "as of right now there hasn't been a lot of interaction" between Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline. Boo! Hiss! As for a romance between the two, Accola says it seems unlikely. "I think that would be extremely complicated, I can't really picture that in reality as being something that would happen anytime soon, if ever."
As most TVD fans know, we'll be introduced to two new brothers soon and here's what Joseph Morgan had to say "I have a very different relationship with Kol than I do with Finn. When you get the whole family together, it's really charged." The whole family? Things that make you go hmmm… When we poised the idea of an Originals spinoff to our favorite hybrid, he tells us he's pulling for it "unashamedly."
When is Stefan going to find out about that kiss between Elena and Damon?
Very soon. As in, this week soon!
Klaus and Caroline?
Nothing between them in the next episode. Klaus will have his hands full trying to get the coffins back. But there is a great storyline involving Tyler. Also, Bonnie's Mom and Caroline's dad both show up in the next episode. One to help their child, one not.
Candice Accola is a "big fan" of scenes between the two, but says "as of right now there hasn't been a lot of interaction" between Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline. Boo! Hiss! As for a romance between the two, Accola says it seems unlikely. "I think that would be extremely complicated, I can't really picture that in reality as being something that would happen anytime soon, if ever."
As most TVD fans know, we'll be introduced to two new brothers soon and here's what Joseph Morgan had to say "I have a very different relationship with Kol than I do with Finn. When you get the whole family together, it's really charged." The whole family? Things that make you go hmmm… When we poised the idea of an Originals spinoff to our favorite hybrid, he tells us he's pulling for it "unashamedly."
When is Stefan going to find out about that kiss between Elena and Damon?
Very soon. As in, this week soon!
Klaus and Caroline?
Nothing between them in the next episode. Klaus will have his hands full trying to get the coffins back. But there is a great storyline involving Tyler. Also, Bonnie's Mom and Caroline's dad both show up in the next episode. One to help their child, one not.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Nina Dobrev Whips up a Birthday Meal for Her Cast Mates
January 9th marked Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev's 23rd birthday and to celebrate, she cooked a meal for her and her co-stars at Le Corden Bleu on January 14th, where chefs taught her to make a whole menu full of fancy dishes. Ian Somerhalder, Steven McQueen, Candice Accola, Zach Roerig, and Joseph Morgan indulged in the Thai chicken satay kebabs, coconut milk and lemongrass steamed Thai mussels, and seared salmon and tuna salad with avocado, beets and lemon vinaigrette Nina prepared. Delicious! Nina then got her very own birthday cake replicating Elena’s diary from the show. Though it looked too good to eat, we’re sure the cast dug into the devil’s food and raspberry jam concoction. If the whole world-famous actress thing doesn’t work it, Nina can always fall back on her cooking chops.
All photos at our Facebook Page - TVD Addictions
All photos at our Facebook Page - TVD Addictions
Ian Somerhalder Spills About An Upcoming Scene
Ian Somerhalder told TV Guide, at the People's Choice Awards that he'd just shot a Vampire Diaries scene where Damon "wakes up naked with another woman who is a hot vampire." Might this be Katherine? Nina Dobrev (Elena/Katherine) hints, "I can't say whether or not I'm in that scene, but it is a character fans are familiar with and Elena will definitely have an opinion on it."
Thoughts on who it is in comments please!
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