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Friday, 23 March 2012
Nina Dobrev on PCA's, Elena & Katherine And Season Finale Scoop
Nina Dobrev took some time out to video chat with Rob Licuria and Chris Beachum.
She talks about how being written in to the Peoples Choice Awards 'Favourite Drama Actress' category and then winning was "a really, really unique, cool experience". She also talks about how her acting skills differ from Elena to Katherine.
Finally, and most exciting, she gives us a little season finale scoop.
"The season one finale was one of the most memorable, for me and everyone I've ever spoken to. And now we're giving the season one finale a run for its money with what's happening at the end of this one. I don't want to give away too much, but Elena has been back and forth between the brothers and she has to make a decision. There's a new pseudo-villain coming in... a new threat... but everyone sort of teams up to save each other. I'm going to go as far as to say not one but a few people die in the finale."
Julie Plec Q&A's from the EW Live Chat during 'Break On Through'
During last night's episode of The Vampire Diaries, EW had a very special guest join them in their live chat. Julie Plec, executive producer of the show, very kindly took time out of her busy schedule to join fans in the chat and answered a few of their questions.
Who writes all of Damon's great lines?
It's a group effort. Kevin still has the first place trophy though, in my opinion. He wrote "If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it." My fave.
Will we ever see dark Elena?
Depends on how you define dark.
I have been trying to figure out who is more insecure and in need of love S1 Vicki or Rebekah?
Vicki's desire for attention and love was born out of an unstable home environment. Rebekah just got 'stuck' as a stubborn teenage little sister who lost her mom too young.
Will Bonnie ever confront Stefan and Damon about their involvement with turning Abby against her will?
Yes, Bonnie is going to (rightfully) hold a grudge for a while
Will there by any acknowledgement from Stefan or anyone else for all the good Damon has done? Like in the case when he saved Caroline from Tyler, he often goes unacknowledged for his good deeds.
Damon's good deeds are acknowledged in the character's ability to love him deeply in spite of his bad deeds.
I love how you can surprise us every week again with another magical episode. I would like to know where do you get your inspiration from? What are you doing if you have a blockade?
I think about what the most logical move the character's would make and then either have them do it or defy it.
Is there a chance for Stefan and Caroline's friendship to be revisited? I would love for Stefan to have a friend outside of Damon and Elena.
We've just seen the beginning of Stefan and Caroline's friendship, in my opinion. Barely scratched the surface. Can't wait to tell more.
It seems to me that you focus more on Damon and Stefan rather than Elena herself. Are we going to see some strong Elena development later on, outside of her bond with the Salvatore brothers? She's the main protagonist, after all.
The rest of this season is very Elena-centric
What about Stefan and Katherine? Any chance you'll explore more their relationship?
Katherine is on the lam. Maybe we'll see her again one day.
Elena and Stefan obviously still have feelings for each other, will the two of them ever talk about those feeling with each other again?
Yes indeed they will.
Have Stefan and Damon, or even Elijah transferred any emotions or admiration from Tatia or Katherine to Elena?
I think it always begins with some transference and evolves into true feeling
Are we ever going to see Damon's birthday? We've seen both Elena and Stefans.
Maybe one day. Although Damon's like some women - doesn't want to share his age
Does Alaric's crazy murdering alter ego have a name? and is it... Ernesto?
hahahaha. YES
Please can u let the Originals stay alive in S4? They are a part of TVD now and we all would miss them so bad.
I'll never tell!
Should the originals be killed off, as the heroes often have to defeat the villains. Would you ever entertain a spin off?
I would, of course. Ya never know!
Will Damon and Elena discuss how they feel for each other in any of the upcoming episodes?
Yes indeed they will.
Will we see Elijah or Kol or Finn again? PLEASE SAY YES, I REALLY MISS THEM!
Yes you'll see both of them again this season
Will we see more heartfelt scenes between Damon & Stefan this season like we saw in last episode? I really would love to see more of those moments between them!
The brothers will keep growing stronger and stronger
What is your favorite Damon/Elena moment so far?
Him in bed with her in 3x08
Will we ever not see Damon hook up with someone that isn´t Elena.
Every time I answer this I get yelled at, but I think Damon, as a grown man with a lot of sexual energy, can separate sex from intimacy.
Is there a particular character you enjoying writing the most?
Caroline and Alaric/Damon
Delena fans are kind of upset at the moment. The DE scene in this ep, Elena was a little harsh to Damon. Is it sexual frustration?
You always get the most angry at those who you care about
Will Damon's "i love you" confession in 2x08 ever be brought up again?
Maybe one day
Do you see any similarities between Damon and Elena like there are in the books?
Yes, both undeniably consumed by love
Does Matt Davis enjoy playing the darker side of Alaric?
He LOVES it!
Are we ever going to see winter in Mystic Falls? I'd die for Damon/Elena college campus winter scenes!
Oooh that'd be fun. Our special effects guy just told me the other day he could make it snow.
Is there a evil spirit controlling him or is really just crazy and evil now?
We call him Alari-Hyde. Like Jekyll and Hyde
I assume there's something more behind the car accident that killed Elena's parents. Can you maybe give us a hint of what that "something more" might be?
Nope, nothing more
I know you love YA novels. Any plans on writing any when TVD is over?
I would love to
Paul said he wanted another love interest besides Elena, what do you think of that? I'm pretty attached to Stefan/Katherine but I agree he does need to move on/explore other options
What Paul wants and what Paul gets are sometimes different
Vampire Diaries 3x17 Song List
Ep 17 - Break On Through
Telekinesis - "Country Lane"
AWOLNATION - "Guilty Filthy Soul"
The Kills - "Future Starts Slow"
Rosi Golan - "Can't Go Back"
Telekinesis - "Country Lane"
AWOLNATION - "Guilty Filthy Soul"
The Kills - "Future Starts Slow"
Rosi Golan - "Can't Go Back"
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Candice Accola On Tyler, Kalus and Alaric
Caroline skipped town for last week's episode. Where do we find her this Thursday?
Caroline has gone with Bonnie to help her mother, Abby, through her transition into being a vampire, so that's where we're going to pick up in this coming episode. They're out at Abby's house. Jamie's there. We're going to get to know Jamie a little bit better, and we're going to learn what it means for a witch to transition into a vampire. There's not really a hybrid version of that; you can't be both, so we'll see how that emotionally effects a witch. We've seen that with a human transitioning, there are heightened senses and heightened personality traits. Now we're going to learn how it effects a witch, and it's definitely a different experience.
She still doesn't know that Alaric murdered her dad, but I assume that it won't be kept under wraps for very long.
Yes, we'll see her reaction to that. We won't see it right now, because she's still gone with Bonnie and Abby, but in upcoming episodes Caroline will learn that it was Alric. They will have words. Like, "Hey, remember that time you murdered my father? This is awkward now."
The Alaric twist was one of the more surprising revelations on your show. Did you guys know all along that it was him, or did they keep it a secret from you, too?
Oh, we knew -- at least, some of us knew. It's great. It really opens up the history behind the ring. If we've got this ring that brings people back to life, there's got to be consequences. I love that the show has followed through on the fact that with every bit of magic, there's a consequence. We might naively assume that a witch has found an easy way out of something, but it'll always come back around to haunt us.
I feel like fans probably should've guessed that the rings were bad news. Maybe we were just blinded by Alaric's charm.
I was, too! It all makes sense now, the fact that Alaric has been killed so many times It almost seems so easy. He gets stabbed, comes back to life, gets his neck snapped, comes back -- and it's all led up to the consequences. It's just great storytelling from our amazing writers.
This Alaric turn of events is just one of many ways that the lines between the good guys and the bad guys have begun to blur on the show, which obviously brings me to Klaus. There's some undeniable chemistry between him and Caroline. If he sent her a Facebook friend request right now, would she accept it?
Yes, I think she would! I think that Caroline is playing that "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" game. She knows what she wants from Klaus. She wants him to relinquish Tyler so that the sire bond is broken and so she can have her boyfriend back. That's it; that's all she wants from him. In order to do that, she knows that he has to care.
There are some fans that are really rooting for Klaus and Caroline!
I know! I think maybe Caroline is flattered by his attention; that might be the attraction that the viewers are seeing. But ultimately, she's not buying into it. She wants to be with Tyler. Tyler is who she wants to be with. Klaus is still the bad guy. In episodes to come, Stefan and Damon have a plan to take down Klaus, and Caroline is with them on that plan, a hundred percent. She's in. She's not standing there going, "No, don't hurt the mass murderer! He likes me!" I don't think she's fallen for his charms at all.
When Tyler comes back, is it a happy reunion for the two of them?
It's happy because they want to see each other. We're going to learn if Tyler was able to break the sire bond or if he wasn't, and that's going to effect how their relationship moves forward.
Caroline has gone with Bonnie to help her mother, Abby, through her transition into being a vampire, so that's where we're going to pick up in this coming episode. They're out at Abby's house. Jamie's there. We're going to get to know Jamie a little bit better, and we're going to learn what it means for a witch to transition into a vampire. There's not really a hybrid version of that; you can't be both, so we'll see how that emotionally effects a witch. We've seen that with a human transitioning, there are heightened senses and heightened personality traits. Now we're going to learn how it effects a witch, and it's definitely a different experience.
She still doesn't know that Alaric murdered her dad, but I assume that it won't be kept under wraps for very long.
Yes, we'll see her reaction to that. We won't see it right now, because she's still gone with Bonnie and Abby, but in upcoming episodes Caroline will learn that it was Alric. They will have words. Like, "Hey, remember that time you murdered my father? This is awkward now."
The Alaric twist was one of the more surprising revelations on your show. Did you guys know all along that it was him, or did they keep it a secret from you, too?
Oh, we knew -- at least, some of us knew. It's great. It really opens up the history behind the ring. If we've got this ring that brings people back to life, there's got to be consequences. I love that the show has followed through on the fact that with every bit of magic, there's a consequence. We might naively assume that a witch has found an easy way out of something, but it'll always come back around to haunt us.
I feel like fans probably should've guessed that the rings were bad news. Maybe we were just blinded by Alaric's charm.
I was, too! It all makes sense now, the fact that Alaric has been killed so many times It almost seems so easy. He gets stabbed, comes back to life, gets his neck snapped, comes back -- and it's all led up to the consequences. It's just great storytelling from our amazing writers.
This Alaric turn of events is just one of many ways that the lines between the good guys and the bad guys have begun to blur on the show, which obviously brings me to Klaus. There's some undeniable chemistry between him and Caroline. If he sent her a Facebook friend request right now, would she accept it?
Yes, I think she would! I think that Caroline is playing that "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" game. She knows what she wants from Klaus. She wants him to relinquish Tyler so that the sire bond is broken and so she can have her boyfriend back. That's it; that's all she wants from him. In order to do that, she knows that he has to care.
There are some fans that are really rooting for Klaus and Caroline!
I know! I think maybe Caroline is flattered by his attention; that might be the attraction that the viewers are seeing. But ultimately, she's not buying into it. She wants to be with Tyler. Tyler is who she wants to be with. Klaus is still the bad guy. In episodes to come, Stefan and Damon have a plan to take down Klaus, and Caroline is with them on that plan, a hundred percent. She's in. She's not standing there going, "No, don't hurt the mass murderer! He likes me!" I don't think she's fallen for his charms at all.
When Tyler comes back, is it a happy reunion for the two of them?
It's happy because they want to see each other. We're going to learn if Tyler was able to break the sire bond or if he wasn't, and that's going to effect how their relationship moves forward.
Candice Accola on Klaus, Caroline-Tyler Reunion and Season's Big Moment
Has Caroline's outlook changed in any capacity with Klaus?
I don't think Caroline's perspective of Klaus has changed at all. I fall into the trap of just 'shipping everyone that hasn't been together in those television shows, like a lot of the viewers, but I think viewers need to remember, and I have to remind myself as well within reading the scene that Klaus is very bad. He's creating an army, all he wants is power and control and he's willing to do anything and murder people and he's not a good guy. I really don't think Caroline's let her guard down. Her guard is very much up and she knows exactly what she wants from Klaus, for him to release Tyler from his sire bond so they can actually have a chance to be together. That's her main goal at this point and she's not falling into any sort of romanticized version of the possibility of Klaus being a nice guy.
There were moments where it seemed Caroline might have been charmed by Klaus?
I definitely think that, but also what's going on here is that we're finally seeing a sensitive side of Klaus, we're finally seeing him care about something and not in a way that is based around family. When you see a big angry dog finally ease up you're like "awww" and it's easy to fall victim to that. Caroline has relaxed around him in a sense where she can sit next to him and they can have a conversation but one of my favorite things about Caroline is how much she's developed as a young woman within the show. She doesn't need the guy to always like her anymore. If this was season 1, Caroline would be head over heels in love with Klaus. Now, she's grown up , she has much more wisdom and she has a much better sense of herself. I think it's hilarious that season 1, all she wants is the guy to like her, "Why don't they like me?," and in season 3, the guy finally likes her and she's like, "I don't want him anymore." As flattering as it is, she has her wits about her at this point, but we'll see what happens in the episodes to come.
Will there be more scenes with Stefan and Caroline before the season is over? There was a wonderful dynamic that formed between them ..
It surprised me too. I really didn't expect there to be a funny cadence between those characters' conversations. It fit perfectly into it, especially at that time with Stefan showing her the ropes because Caroline is the perky "play with me play with me" pesky cheerleader and Stefan is more brooding, serious and so they played well together. I think this season there's been other things to focus on and Caroline's taken over Stefan's place in the sense of showing people who are new in their supernatural ability, how to cope with it. There has been no intention to not have Caroline and Stefan be in scenes together, it's just there's been so many plot points and story lines going on right now. They're still there. I'm sure that they'll eventually have scenes together again.
Can you speak to how Caroline helps Bonnie's mother Abby adjust to her new supernatural life?
In the episode we had left off with two weeks ago, Caroline says to Elena, "Bonnie's the one that gets hurt, it's always Bonnie that falls victim." Caroline goes with Bonnie to her mother's house and they stay and try to ease the transition as best she can and pass on what she's learned. There are some really beautiful moments that happen within that.
More emotional moments?
I don't want to specify to much. You will get to know Abby more and we'll also get to learn more about the witches' powers and why they are so special.
What can we expect in "The Murder of One," airing next week? Caroline gets thrown into Stefan and Damon's little plan to gain ground on Klaus ..
The ultimate plan is to take down Klaus. There's a huge, huge turning point for the show that happens within that episode. It's very important, if you're going to miss any episode don't miss that one. It has very important information. No hints, no hints, it's that game-changing.
On a scale of 1-10, how happy will Caroline and Tyler fans be by the end of the season?
I think they'll be happy.
Care to put a number on it?
No. I will say there are different forms of happiness and so it might not turn out the way that one expects. Let's just say Caroline and Tyler will have scenes together in the episodes to come and in leading up to the finale. The fans will appreciate them for what they are.
Ian Somerhalder Radio Interview
Ian Somerhalder took some time recently to chat with the nice folks over at Elvis Duran & The Morning Show. He talks about hiatuses, faux booze, flashbacks and all kinds of other things.
Candice Accola Rejects A Klaus/Caroline Romance & Gives Hope For Tyler
Remember when newbie vamp Caroline (Candice Accola) needed Stefan (Paul Wesley) to show her the ways of the fang? Well, the student officially becomes the teacher on the March 22 episode of The Vampire Diaries, as Caroline takes a new pupil under her wing: Bonnie’s (Kat Graham) mom, Abby (Persia White)! “Caroline has stepped into the role of mother so beautifully this season,” Candice tells us.
But don’t worry; Caroline won’t be overwhelmed trying to manage Mystic Falls’ first-ever witch/vampire hybrid. Such things can’t even exist!
“Abby officially transitions into a vampire, and you can’t be both,” Candice explains. “You’ll learn in the episode about how transitioning affects your being as a witch, and the loss of your powers.”
OK, now let’s talk about what you all came here for: the details on Caroline’s hot mess of a love life!
“Klaus is still pursuing Caroline,” Candice assures us. “He’s very relentless. He’s pursuing her with just as much gusto as he is putting together his hybrid army.”
But Candice is quick to note that “Klaroline” shippers might be getting a little ahead of themselves.
“Everyone’s so excited about this potential thing between Klaus and Caroline, but it’s so funny, because I think viewers are forgetting that Klaus is a really bad guy,” she says. “This is evil Klaus who murders people unforgivingly, threatens Elena’s life constantly, and uses her for blood. He’s not a good guy.”
In fact, as Candice points out so eloquently, Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Caroline’s entire relationship is built on manipulation.
“Caroline is really just using Klaus to relinquish Tyler,” Candice says. “She’s playing the game a little bit so that maybe he’ll do that for her out of love. Right now, he’s not really buying it. … If this had been season-one Caroline, she would have fallen hook, line and sinker into that British accent. But season-three Caroline has grown up. … She’s not falling for any of his tricks.”
And speaking of Tyler (Michael Trevino), what’s to become of the sired little hybrid who broke Caroline’s heart — and bit her neck — just a few weeks ago? Caroline’s got some good news for all you “Forwood” fans:
“Tyler will be back in Mystic Falls, and Caroline and Tyler will see each other,” Candice promises. “We’ll see how that plays out, if he was able to cure himself of his sire bond — or if he wasn’t.”
Paul Wesley Reveals Why Stelena Fans Shouldn't Lose Hope
How successful is Stefan going to be on this new path of moderation?
Only time will tell. I don’t think Stefan is going to, you know, go back to ripping off heads and being maniacally out of control anytime soon, but I don’t know. That’s one of the most important things about Stefan, that no matter how moderate he becomes and how stabilized he is, in supporting that as an actor, I always convey that sense of danger around the corner, that he could potentially bite somebody’s head off at any minute. That’s what makes him compelling and interesting and dynamic.
Only time will tell. I don’t think Stefan is going to, you know, go back to ripping off heads and being maniacally out of control anytime soon, but I don’t know. That’s one of the most important things about Stefan, that no matter how moderate he becomes and how stabilized he is, in supporting that as an actor, I always convey that sense of danger around the corner, that he could potentially bite somebody’s head off at any minute. That’s what makes him compelling and interesting and dynamic.
Elena witnessed him feeding. What does that mean for their relationship in the next episode?
It’s just another reason to not trust him, another reason to push away from him [and] say, “God, this guy is completely out of control, and not the one for me.” It brings to light the reality of their relationship, which is they’ve had so much darkness come between them, it’s almost impossible to go back.
It’s just another reason to not trust him, another reason to push away from him [and] say, “God, this guy is completely out of control, and not the one for me.” It brings to light the reality of their relationship, which is they’ve had so much darkness come between them, it’s almost impossible to go back.
It’s been a very, very tough season for Elena and Stefan. Are there any words of hope you can offer the fans?
The fans should definitely maintain some hope. … The thing to remember is that Stefan and Elena have this love that is so strong, and it was sort of the core of Season 1 — you can’t entirely disregard that. The fans should definitely be aware of the fact that Stefan and Elena are very much a possibility.
The fans should definitely maintain some hope. … The thing to remember is that Stefan and Elena have this love that is so strong, and it was sort of the core of Season 1 — you can’t entirely disregard that. The fans should definitely be aware of the fact that Stefan and Elena are very much a possibility.
Are you rooting for them to get together right now? Is that something you’d like to see?
Not necessarily, but I’m also not against it. I just feel like things have to happen naturally, and I don’t want anything force-fed. I don’t want the audience to get sick of any one relationship. Quite truthfully, I think they needed to break up — and I think eventually they’ll need to get back together.
Not necessarily, but I’m also not against it. I just feel like things have to happen naturally, and I don’t want anything force-fed. I don’t want the audience to get sick of any one relationship. Quite truthfully, I think they needed to break up — and I think eventually they’ll need to get back together.
While they were broken up, Elena got a lot closer to Damon. How is Stefan feeling about that relationship and how it’s evolving?
There’s a sense of betrayal, but there’s also an odd sense of inevitability to it. Stefan went down this dark path and made a very conscientious decision to do it. He was aware of the fact that Elena and Damon had a little spark. So I don’t think that he’s been completely taken aback by this. And at the same time, in an odd way — in the most bizarre, twisted way — it’s brought the brothers to a place of camaraderie [because] they’re both in love with the same girl.
There’s a sense of betrayal, but there’s also an odd sense of inevitability to it. Stefan went down this dark path and made a very conscientious decision to do it. He was aware of the fact that Elena and Damon had a little spark. So I don’t think that he’s been completely taken aback by this. And at the same time, in an odd way — in the most bizarre, twisted way — it’s brought the brothers to a place of camaraderie [because] they’re both in love with the same girl.
The big twist in “1912″ involved Alaric and the ring. Does Elena turn to Stefan for help with that issue?
Yes, very much so. That’s what brings them together — this little mission. She comes to Stefan for help, and somehow he decides to help her. That mission is what makes them grow closer, and it allows them to have all these conversations about their own relationship. It serves as a backdrop to their story.
Yes, very much so. That’s what brings them together — this little mission. She comes to Stefan for help, and somehow he decides to help her. That mission is what makes them grow closer, and it allows them to have all these conversations about their own relationship. It serves as a backdrop to their story.
Sage (played by Cassidy Freeman) is back in Mystic Falls this week. What can you tease about her return, and what it means for Damon and Stefan?
She served as a bit of a negative influence actually on the two of them, particularly Damon. She’s much wiser and stronger, so she’s a threat in that regard. She’s definitely not just some pushover. And she becomes a threat in present day, as well.
She served as a bit of a negative influence actually on the two of them, particularly Damon. She’s much wiser and stronger, so she’s a threat in that regard. She’s definitely not just some pushover. And she becomes a threat in present day, as well.
7th Guest for Insurgence 4 Announced
Rogue Events have just announced the 7th guest for Insurgence 4.
Nathaniel Buzolic who plays Kol, brother to Elijah, Rebekah and Finn, and half brother to Klaus, is the 7th (and probably final) guest announced for I4, which is looking to be an OUTSTANDING weekend.
Other guests include:
Ian Somerhalder (Damon)
Paul Wesley (Stefan)
Daniel Gillies (Elijah)
Steven R McQueen (Jeremy)
Malese Jow (Anna)
Torrey DeVitto (Meredith)
Nathaniel Buzolic who plays Kol, brother to Elijah, Rebekah and Finn, and half brother to Klaus, is the 7th (and probably final) guest announced for I4, which is looking to be an OUTSTANDING weekend.
Other guests include:
Ian Somerhalder (Damon)
Paul Wesley (Stefan)
Daniel Gillies (Elijah)
Steven R McQueen (Jeremy)
Malese Jow (Anna)
Torrey DeVitto (Meredith)
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Episode Finale of Season 3 Revealed
Thanks to Mr Ian Somerhalder we now know the title of the May 10th episode finale of TVD.
It is called 'The Departed'
Ian tweeted last night...
The Season finale is not long off now TVDers!
Hope you all have lots of plans for the summer to keep you entertained! And fingers crossed we get a TVD renewal for Season 4!
It is called 'The Departed'
Ian tweeted last night...
Wow-season finale script. 3 years of VD... Episode #66along with the photo above.
The Season finale is not long off now TVDers!
Hope you all have lots of plans for the summer to keep you entertained! And fingers crossed we get a TVD renewal for Season 4!
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