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Saturday, 28 September 2013
The Originals - Role Of Agnes Cast
Karen Kaia Livers who played the role of the "Fortune Teller" who Klaus spoke to when he first arrived in New Orleans looking for Jane-Ann in episode 20 of The Vampire Diaries (The Originals back door pilot) has landed the recurring role of Agnes. No more information is available on this role at the moment. More to come as and when available.
Friday, 27 September 2013
The Vampire Diaries - Spoilers From EW - 27th September 2013
Before you get all excited, I will tell you that it may not happen exactly how you’re imagining. There’s definitely a twist there (because, remember, they aren’t exactly next door to each other). That said, if your heart doesn’t swell while watching it, you’re as heartless as Katherine (used?) to be!
I NEED some Vampire Diaries. PLEASE!
If you cry during the season premiere (hint: you will), then make sure you have EXTRA boxes of tissues for episode 4. I’m told it’s a whopper of an hour.
The Originals - Spoiler From E! Online - 27th September 2013
The Oct. 3 premiere contains some serious sparkage (and cuteness) between our favorite Original vamp (Sorry, Klaus and Beks!) and…Hayley! Yes, as in the same werewolf girl his brother got pregnant. Amazingly enough, the chemistry between them is sweet, but subtle. Haylijah, anyone?!
The Originals - 1x03 "Tangled Up In Blue" Official Synopsis
The Vampire Diaries - 5x03 "Original Sin" Official Synopsis
Thursday, 26 September 2013
The Originals - Do's And Don't's Of A Spin-Off Show
• Establish a new heartbeat — if romance drives TVD, family drives The Originals. “People are always asking how will it be different, and why should I care about watching two versions of the same world. And that is the key: You just can’t retell the same story with different players in a different location,” Plec says. While The Vampire Diaries is best known for Damon and Stefan battling for Elena’s heart, the war in The Originals is over control of New Orleans’ French Quarter. Marcel (Charles Michael Davis), a former protégé of vicious vampire-werewolf hybrid Klaus, has created a community where vampires rule by exiling the werewolves and oppressing the witches. When the witches demand that Klaus do their bidding against Marcel, noble Elijah sees a chance to reunite his bickering family in a town they used to call home. “The Originals want it because they helped build it. Marcel wants it because he’s developed a community of vampires who can run around without a lot of restrictions. The witches can’t leave without giving up access to all their ancestral magic. And the humans are like, ‘Hands off, everybody. We’ve been here just as long as you have. It’s still a human’s town,’” Plec says. “Everybody’s fighting for a home to call their own and a place to plant their roots for themselves and for their family.”
• Respect the old fans, but welcome new ones — introduce the characters as if we’ve never met them before. “If you are telling a story as though only the people who’ve spent the last five years watching your other show are tuning in, then you’re doing it wrong. But I will tell you, creatively it is one of the hardest things to execute. The audience could be somebody who’s seen one episode of The Vampire Diaries, zero episodes of The Vampire Diaries, or 89 episodes of The Vampire Diaries but can’t remember anything — how do you introduce these people and this world in a way that is exciting and understandable and palatable to a new audience when, specifically in our case of the fractured Original family, they’re hateful little minxes?” That’s particularly tricky with Klaus, who had two-plus seasons to earn goodwill among TVD fans, but who’ll be presented in the premiere as Elijah’s “potentially psychopathic brother,” Plec says. “You’ve got to find a way to say to the audience, ‘You need to care about Klaus because Elijah cares about Klaus’ — because Klaus is about to do some really nasty stuff, like be told he’s about to have a baby [with Phoebe Tonkin's werewolf, Hayley] and say, ‘Kill it. I don’t care.’ That’s not a hero move in the first episode of a TV show.”
• Respect the old fans, but welcome new ones — introduce the characters as if we’ve never met them before. “If you are telling a story as though only the people who’ve spent the last five years watching your other show are tuning in, then you’re doing it wrong. But I will tell you, creatively it is one of the hardest things to execute. The audience could be somebody who’s seen one episode of The Vampire Diaries, zero episodes of The Vampire Diaries, or 89 episodes of The Vampire Diaries but can’t remember anything — how do you introduce these people and this world in a way that is exciting and understandable and palatable to a new audience when, specifically in our case of the fractured Original family, they’re hateful little minxes?” That’s particularly tricky with Klaus, who had two-plus seasons to earn goodwill among TVD fans, but who’ll be presented in the premiere as Elijah’s “potentially psychopathic brother,” Plec says. “You’ve got to find a way to say to the audience, ‘You need to care about Klaus because Elijah cares about Klaus’ — because Klaus is about to do some really nasty stuff, like be told he’s about to have a baby [with Phoebe Tonkin's werewolf, Hayley] and say, ‘Kill it. I don’t care.’ That’s not a hero move in the first episode of a TV show.”
• Honor the history — we’re not erasing the impact of people like Katherine, Caroline, and the legendary Matt Donovan. “It would be unfair to get an audience so invested in couplings and relationships and the histories of these characters that we’re taking to their own world and act as though they never happened,” Plec says. “So the goal is to, without alienating a new audience who has no clue who these people are, still be respectful. If we were just breaking this first episode clean without all the history, there would be romance in it for Klaus. But because there’s still unfinished business with Caroline — even if he doesn’t mention her by name in the first episode or two — he is by no means going to be jumping into any kind of romantic relationship in the very beginning. So we’ve had to find romance and passion and those beautiful moments that I love so much in other ways.” Rebekah and Matt, who’ll have spent a steamy summer abroad, agreed their time together was finite. And Elijah, Plec says, “has a long history of sacrificing his own happiness in pursuit of salvation or redemption for his brother and efforts to bring the family closet together. Katherine was the latest in a long line of those kind of situations.” Translation: They’re single and could be ready to mingle.
• Always be open to crossover potential: “There are sub rules to the crossover,” Plec says, “which is don’t do it to be stunty. Don’t do it for publicity reasons. Don’t do it to be too clever for your own good. Do it because it feels right for story and it feels right for character.” Also, don’t do it too soon: “First, you’ve got to make sure you get all these characters that you’re serving firmly planted.”
• Know the rules of your original mythology. Then be willing to bend or break them. “That’s one of my favorites,” Plec says. “We want to learn from our mistakes and make things simpler or easier to execute or just from a mythological point of view, not as complicated. So we’ll make small changes here and there, like when the Originals used to desiccate on The Vampire Diaries, every single shot was a digital effect and every single shot was thousands of dollars. We don’t have to match it the way we used to. We can create our new version of it. If somebody on Twitter starts screaming about how it doesn’t match, then okay. You don’t want to get those comments, but most people won’t notice,” she says. “It’s about deciding what works for us, what doesn’t work for us, what can we live without, what can we pretend never existed, and where do we really need to be loyal and respectful of the mythology that was built so carefully on the other show.”
• Keep production’s home base close to the mothership’s. This is a personal rule for Plec, who considers herself a workaholic and her coworkers her family. “The idea of walking away from one family to build a new family is not the way I wanted to do this. I wanted to make sure that both families could live under the same roof,” she says, laughing. “So, in LA, it’s kinda like The Brady Brunch where we’ve got The Vampire Diaries writing staff on one side of the office, and The Originals‘ on the other. We blew out all the walls in between and made a massive community kitchen so that inevitably you’re going to cross paths when you get a cup of coffee. So we’re all under the same roof, and our editors are all under the same roof, so it truly does feel like one unit working and dividing tasks. You want everybody to know that you care about [both shows] equally.
• Viewers can sense a cash grab. There has to be a thematic reason to do another series. Some fans have asked Plec why she’d take the Originals away from The Vampire Diaries. “‘They’re so amazing on The Vampire Diaries. Why would you hurt The Vampire Diaries by deleting them?’ My point is, the Originals, as phenomenal as they were on The Vampire Diaries, were actually hurting the show in the long run because there were too many hero stories to tell. The minute Klaus ceased to be the true day-to-day villain, we had not one, not two, not three heroes, we had a redundancy of heroes that, in our opinion, actually made the storytelling very difficult although it was delicious to watch. For me, it’s the idea of like getting a two-hour episode every week. It’s like if Glee made two shows — one in New York and one in high school.” On a more personal note, Plec adds, “TV is really, really, really hard work. You sacrifice a lot of your personal life, a lot of your sanity, just to do one show. Don’t do another show just because someone thinks that there’s a dollar to be earned there. Do it because you love the characters, and you love the world, and you really truly feel both the fans and you as a storyteller can benefit from having the second show.”
The Vampire Diaries - Spoiler From E! Online - 26th September 2013
Shockingly enough, It's kind of hard to be in a relationship when only one person actually appears on screen! Tyler doesn't show up in the premiere, but Caroline still only has eyes for him; she even completely (and hilariously) rebuffs a cute frat guy. But we will tell you Tyler will cause our favorite blonde vamp to cry and we totally want to punch him in his werewolf junk for it.
Season 5,
Vampire Diaries
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
The Originals To Be Picked Up By SyFy In The UK *UPDATED*
Created by The CW in the US, the show was expected to air on ITV2, which has the rights to The Vampire Diaries.
Adam Collings, channel director for Syfy UK, said: "With such an established and successful heritage, and US network credentials, The Originals is our biggest acquisition since V in 2010. Its narrative is edgy and contemporary, and has something for fans of The Vampire Diaries and new viewers to the franchise, alike.
"We are hugely excited to be giving the world's original vampires centre stage in our autumn line-up."
The Originals will premiere on Tuesday 22nd October at 10pm.
The Vampire Diaries - 10 Spoilers From The season 5 Premiere
- Following a three-month time jump, we quickly learn just what various characters have been up to all summer.
- Damon and Elena are on VERY good terms.
- Elena and Caroline receive a surprise on their first day of college.
- One character engages in a threesome.
- Stefan once again battles with his humanity.
- Jeremy gets in trouble at school.
- Katherine gets her drink on.
- Elena gets an unexpected reminder of her father.
- There is a car crash.
- Two characters are killed, one of whom played a big role on The Vampire Diaries Season 4.
The Vampire Diaries - Spoiler From TV Guide - 24th September 2013
When the show returns, Jeremy is still the only person who knows, and that secret, and their new circumstances, will bring them even closer. "It creates this intense intimacy, even as a friend, that they never had before," Kat Graham told us during a recent visit to the set. "There were always distractions and they weren't ever forced to always just 'be.' You'll see a lot of us working together early on in the season."
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
The Vampire Diaries - Spoiler From E! Online - 24th September 2013
"Do you know how hard it is to run in heels?" Though our survivor is now human on The Vampire Diaries, she's still Katherine Pierce. But because of her less-than-stellar people skills, Katherine is going to be forced to rely on a familiar face for protection from some pretty big enemies.
Monday, 23 September 2013
The Vampire Diaries - Fan Questions About "I Know What You Did Last Summer" Answered
From 1 to 10, rate Delena in the first six minutes!
For Delena fans? Probably a 20. Seriously, the premiere's opening act is kind of like Delena porn. For Stelena fans? Goose egg.
For Delena fans? Probably a 20. Seriously, the premiere's opening act is kind of like Delena porn. For Stelena fans? Goose egg.
How was seeing Damon & Elena together? The new (long-distance) couple is rock solid in the premiere, sharing the same fiery chemistry that hasn't dulled in five seasons. Also: So. Much. Kissing. One more two word tease: Bubble bath.
Is there a moment where Stelena shippers might get a nod or a scene? Even though Stefan and Elena are no longer together, their connection is still present in the premiere as her ex is still on her mind. And Caroline, her roomie, is definitely still Team Stelena.
How effing awesome is Matt Donovan on a scale of Chad Michael Murray to Dean Winchester?
Our favorite busboy is kind of a baller! Not only did he and Rebekah (Claire Holt) have quite the scandalous European vacation over the summer, but Matt (Zach Roerig) is also a big part of an intriguing new mystery introduced in the premiere. See, humans can be interesting, too! (And yes, he's shirtless within the first few minutes. Boom.)
Our favorite busboy is kind of a baller! Not only did he and Rebekah (Claire Holt) have quite the scandalous European vacation over the summer, but Matt (Zach Roerig) is also a big part of an intriguing new mystery introduced in the premiere. See, humans can be interesting, too! (And yes, he's shirtless within the first few minutes. Boom.)
Please, please tell me that there were some Datherine scenes and that she's still her sassy, smooth-talking self?
Just because she's human doesn't mean she isn't Katherine. Come on, now! And yes, there are a few banter-filled Datherine scenes, filled with classic Damon and Katherine one-liners. And while there's definitely no love between them anymore, Damon still decides not to tell Elena about Katherine's reappearance just yet.
Just because she's human doesn't mean she isn't Katherine. Come on, now! And yes, there are a few banter-filled Datherine scenes, filled with classic Damon and Katherine one-liners. And while there's definitely no love between them anymore, Damon still decides not to tell Elena about Katherine's reappearance just yet.
How is the relationship between Damon and Jeremy?
A lot of fun to watch. Clearly, Damon cares about Jeremy, but hates to show it, so the two have a brotherly dynamic. But Jeremy is kind of a mess and it's Damon's job to try to at least contain the fallout while Elena attempts to have normal college experience.
A lot of fun to watch. Clearly, Damon cares about Jeremy, but hates to show it, so the two have a brotherly dynamic. But Jeremy is kind of a mess and it's Damon's job to try to at least contain the fallout while Elena attempts to have normal college experience.
Does it feel at all like a different show?
Kind of, but it's a good thing because just like an actual teenager, teen dramas need to evolve as well. Watching Elena and Caroline, who have both been through so much, start college together and be happy is genuinely a joy to watch. But it's even more enjoyable after they realize supernatural weirdness isn't limited to just Mystic Falls. (Bonus: A Veronica Mars-style campus mystery!)
Kind of, but it's a good thing because just like an actual teenager, teen dramas need to evolve as well. Watching Elena and Caroline, who have both been through so much, start college together and be happy is genuinely a joy to watch. But it's even more enjoyable after they realize supernatural weirdness isn't limited to just Mystic Falls. (Bonus: A Veronica Mars-style campus mystery!)
MVP of the Episode: It's the season of Paul freaking Wesley, y'all! Wesley is clearly having a field day playing the deliciously evil Silas (who we learn actually hates vampires). And man, Silas is evil with a capital E, which makes Wesley's portrayal all the more thrilling to watch. Runner-up for MVP, however, is of course Candice Accola, as Caroline continues to just be the greatest vampire to ever vamp on TV. She brought a panini press to college! She wants to use their vampire powers for purely selfish and frivolous reasons! She and her mom have an adorable goodbye when she's dropped off at school! (Yes, Caroline and Tyler fans, you will get an update on their romance.)
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