Saturday, 25 February 2012

Michael Trevino - Brief Interview

Here's what our new hybrid had to say about his favorite episode of The Vampire Diaries, getting hounded by paparazzi, and where he sees himself in ten years!
If I could play any superhero on screen it would be:
My craziest fan encounter was:
Not many people know where we film, but these girls drove from Tennessee to Atlanta and out of nowhere, they popped up and were like, Hey, hi! Then security came. But  I thought it was cute.
Getting hounded by the paparazzi is:
The worst. {Laughs}. 
My all-time favorite episode  of the Vampire Diaries is:
My transformation episode.
If I were to go on  a romantic vacation anywhere, I would go to:
The most confusing thing about women is:
Why they need so many pairs of high heels.
The sexiest Latina on the planet is:
Right now, I'd have to say Sofia Vergara.
The best way to deal with a breakup is:
Just hang out with your close friends.
My favorite Spanish song is:
“Canción del Mariachi” by Los Lobos with Antonio Banderas. It’s on the Desperado soundtrack.
The best thing about being Mexican is:
Having authentic Mexican food made by my grandmother.
If I were to star  in a telenovela,  I would play a character who:
{Laughs}. Enters every scene on a horse!
The thing that annoys me most is:
People being late.
In the next 10 years I see myself:
Directing feature films.
The most adventurous thing I’ve ever done is:
Traveling to Paris by myself. 
My favorite website is:
The best advice I’ve ever gotten is:
Just be yourself.
My favorite sports team is:
The Los Angeles Lakers. 
My favorite thing  to do with my boys is:
Play poker.
The easiest way  to make me laugh is:
If somebody can do a really good impression of somebody else.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Vampire Diaries 3x16 Official Synopsis

Ep 16 - '1912'

THE MURDER MYSTERY DEEPENS — The present-day murders in Mystic Falls remind Damon (Ian Somerhalder) of a similar crime spree a century earlier. In flashbacks to 1912, Damon recalls a beautiful vampire, Sage (guest star Cassidy Freeman), who showed him a whole new way to exist. Sheriff Forbes (Marguerite MacIntyre) warns Damon not to get involved in her investigation, but Damon is convinced she’s going after the wrong suspect. Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Matt (Zach Roerig) resort to breaking and entering in their search for evidence to prove Dr. Fell (guest star Torrey Devitto) is a murderer. For reasons known only to her, Rebekah (guest star Claire Holt), becomes interested in locating one of the town’s oldest landmarks. Finally, Elena comes to a new understanding of the path her life has taken, and Damon makes an emotional confession to Stefan (Paul Wesley).

Vampire Diaries 3x16 '1912' Promo Photos

Daniel Gillies Talks Elijah - Taking Elena Hostage Was The Ultimate Disgrace

When The Vampire Diaries' Elijah was introduced in Season 2, he wasn't supposed to stick around long. More than a year after his arrival the character remains one of the most popular in the show's history.
"In the beginning I was a very old vampire who was going to live like two episodes," Daniel Gillies explains to "They didn't know I was going to be a brother, I just was a henchman." But Elijah has transformed from being terrifyingly powerful in his knowledge and skills, to a still powerful vampire, but one with a distinct moral compass and compassion for Elena who Gillies calls a warrior.  

Fans can't get enough of the Original, despite the immense threat he poses to the Salvatore Brothers, among others. Gillies has his own theories as to his character's popularity. "When Elijah shows his face you know things are going to happen," he says. "When he turns up he's exposition and movement and the story is taking flight — or maybe fans just like his multiple haircuts."
While Elijah prides himself on not being driven by impulsive rage like his brother Klaus, Gillies says that his actions towards Elena in last week's episode were so terrifying that it's the reason he fled town at the end. 
"Elena came quite close to peril and closer to peril than he ever thought she would and there's a disgrace in that," Gillies says. "He can be vicious and can be strategic, but he's never reckless and this was one of the few times on the show we've seen him be absolutely reckless in order to get what he needed. Sure, it was his life and the life of his brothers and sister, but placing Elena in the position of being a hostage was probably something he would change if he could go back or at least make certain she wasn't in true danger."

Despite Elijah's upcoming absence (which we hope and assume will be temporary), Gillies has quite a few ideas as to who he'd like to work with in the future.
"I really enjoy my scenes with Ian Somerhalder. There's something very funny about those two in a scene together — they're sort of an odd couple," Gillies says. "Elijah is the sadistic, quiet, calm zinger- type comedy, whereas Damon is this snarky, sometimes bitchy and tempestuous vampire. Of course, if I could team up with anybody, I just feel like if Klaus and Elijah could ever solve their differences the world would be theirs."

See the video below for telephone interview with Daniel:

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Candice Accola says Caroline and Bonnie Are Teaming Up

The Vampire Diaries' Candice Accola says that Caroline and Bonnie are going to continue to grow much closer.
In last week's episode, "All My Children," Caroline consoled Bonnie when her mother, Abby, was turned into a vampire. While it's always been Elena by Bonnie's side, Acccola says Caroline will be the one she turns to since her relationship with Elena is strained.

"Caroline and Bonnie are at a very strong place," Accola says. "Last season there was a rough spot between Caroline and Bonnie being that when Caroline turned into a vampire it was everything that Bonnie was against, but Caroline has proven she's a good friend."

Check out the video interview with Candice on set

Monday, 20 February 2012

Joseph Morgan Says Nobody Is Safe!

The Vampire Diaries star Joseph Morgan has admitted no one is safe in the hit show.
The British actor joined Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley in the last series as evil vampire Klaus, but revealed everyone in the cast knows they could be killed off at any time.
Joseph said: "Sometimes there isn't much notice."
"The nature of the show is that they have to kill off characters that people love and that are regular on the show, because the stakes have got to be high. You can't assume that people are safe because it takes away the tension."
"I would like to assume that Nina and Paul and Ian Somerhalder are safe because you just think they are the show really. But you just never know. They've done some pretty big twists and some pretty nasty things before."
"I remember toward the end of last season Ian talking to [series developer] Julie Plec and saying 'Just give me a heads up if you're going to do anything'. And I remember thinking, if he's scared I should be terrified."
Joseph admitted: "I don't want to be killed off. I've been trying to find out about my character but they're very tight lipped about the show."