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Friday, 17 February 2012
Vampire Diaries 3x15 Song List
Ep 15 - All My Children
The Civil Wars "Poison & Wine"
Civil Twilight "Fire Escape"
We Were Promised Jetpacks "Medicine"
Dum Dum Girls "Teardrops On My Pillow"
Ume "Rubicon"
Kevin Daniel "Guarded"
The Civil Wars "Poison & Wine"
Civil Twilight "Fire Escape"
We Were Promised Jetpacks "Medicine"
Dum Dum Girls "Teardrops On My Pillow"
Ume "Rubicon"
Kevin Daniel "Guarded"
Julie Plec Previews Cassidy Freeman's Role Plus 3 Other Things To Come In Season 3
Smallville stunner Cassidy Freeman will soon make herVampire Diaries debut, but very little is known about Mystic Falls’ latest import… until now.
Executive producer Julie Plec recently revealed some key details about Freeman’s mysterious vamp Sage, whom she describes as“ballsy, and sexy, and dynamic and fun.”
“Cassidy’s character is a vampire we’ll meet in our 16th episode, titled ’1912′,” Plec teases. “It’s timed about 100 years ago, when Damon was still… the Damon that walked out the door in a huff of disappointment and piousness when his brother [Stefan] was out of control in 1864.”
Adds the EP, “Somewhere between 1864 and [The Vampire Diaries] pilot, Damon became the Damon that we know and love, and this episode gives us a little glimpse into that — and what Cassidy’s Sage had to do with it.”
And not unlike those beloved Originals, Sage will be featured in both present day and flashback scenes.
• Plec says that unlike most Vampire guest stars (who have an end date from the get-go), Torrey DeVitto’s Meredith is sticking around for the foreseeable future.“With Meredith, [the story] has been ever-evolving,” she muses. “It’s possible [the character could become a permanent fixture] — or she could die a horrific, violent and tragic death.”
• Alaric’s life-saving “eternity ring can’t be relied upon much longer,” Plec shares. “There’s definitely a sense of the clock ticking on the effectiveness of the ring, and that’s going to be a big concern for [Elena] who really only has two very important people left in her life: Alaric and Jeremy.”
• How long until the identity of the at-large Mystic Falls Murderer is unveiled — that is if it’s not Meredith, as the end of tonight’s episode seemed to imply? “The next wave of story we have to get through is seeing the outcome of the Original mother’s plan to kill her babies,” Plec offers, “but as we move forward into that we are also going to dovetail very nicely about who is behind the murders.”
Joseph Morgan Interview
You teased to TVGuide about “Vampire Diaries” fans getting more storyline coming soon for the Originals, and coming to see how they became vampires. Why do you think it is important for people to keep reflecting on the past for Klaus and his storyline instead of focusing on the future.
To be honest with you I wouldn’t say that we don’t focus on the future as well. Here's the the thing, Klaus is a thousand years old, as are the rest of the Originals. So there is such a wealth of past history to take advantage of in terms of great stories with all of their histories, it’s a rich tapestry, so I think it would be crazy not to go there and learn all about his past. Also, it’s all of what makes him who he is today. But I don’t feel like the future is being neglected so much. I find a lot of the time in the scripts I’m talking about what I’m going to do once I get, once I create my hybrids, I’m going to leave this town, or once I do this, I’m going to do that. He always seems to be scheming and planning although he knows it doesn’t always go how he wants it too. I feel like there’s a balance, to be honest.
What’s more upsetting to Klaus, his family getting revenge, or what’s in the other coffin?
Ah, well, you see now, with the episode that aired two weeks ago we know that it’s his mother in the coffin, so I think they’re one and the same thing. His family getting revenge and what’s in the coffin are both just sort of the same threat. Family is everything to him. He cares deeply about family and he’s very mixed up with feeling rejected by them and everything, so yeah, that’s the thing that is most upsetting to him I think more even than getting revenge, than rejecting him again.
Klaus has been starting to show that possibly he may have a good side. Would you like to see Klaus redeemed, or do you prefer him stuck in turmoil?
I wouldn’t like to see him completely redeemed, you know. I think some of the things he’s done are pretty unforgivable, but I’d like see that I’ve explored more of his human side. In the episode that aired last week we definitely see a little more of definitely a side of him that we haven’t seen before and I’ve got the writers to thank for that. They keep giving me great stuff and layering up the character. So yeah, I would like to see a little more of his human side, but I don’t think complete redemption is in order, I mean you know, let’s not forget, he did kill Aunt Jenna as well as the wolf girl, Jules, and he tried to kill Elena as well. There’s a little list of things that people should remind themselves every now and again, you know, every time they feel like they should completely forgive him.
Exactly! There’s been a lot of buzz about a new romance, though, for Klaus. Would you like to see him with Bonnie, Caroline, or someone fans may least expect?
After the scene that I did in episode eleven this season with Caroline, there was a lot of buzz about that. There was a lot of fan videos on the internet shipping the pair of us, so I’d like to see that explored a little more because I feel like there’s good chemistry there and I feel like that’s something the fans want, and ultimately that’s what we’re here to provide, is you know, what they want. I just did some scenes with Kat Graham the other day and I loved that as well, and I love working with Nina, so I’m just sort of, I’m interested in variety to be honest. I like to work with everyone and get a little bit of all, so maybe a harem for Klaus?
You’re sort of stuck either way you choose, it’s perfect, you’re going to get a “ship” no matter what.
With the introduction of Klaus’s brothers Kol and Finn coming up, is there anything you can tease about what we’ll learn or see from them?
Yes. First of all, both of these guys are awesome as people and as actors. I really, really like both of them. From Finn, we can see, this is a guy who has been in the coffin for hundreds of years, so with him coming back he’s going to find it very strange, I think, the modern world. He’s definitely got a sort of archaic feel to him, he’s definitely a little older, and his loyalties certainly aren’t with Klaus. He’s very old school in his thinking. Kol we’re going to see is someone who can hold his own a little bit more against Klaus. He’s my younger brother, but he’s malicious. I’d say to Nathaniel that Kol is the kind of character that you can imagine torturing animals.
Oh, great.
Malicious a little…
Serial killer.
Yeah, so these guys are, they’re both very individual characters and very interestingly written, and we got to see a lot of them in last weeks episode. We got to know a lot more about them and they’re relationships with each other.
What’s been your favorite scene or moment to film so far this season?
That’s a tough one. I love the scene from what I talked about in episode eleven where I go to see Caroline and I save her by feeding her my blood, that was one of my favorite scenes that they wrote for me just because it’s that real kind of empiric seduction. I don’t know, I liked a lot of the kind of stuff that you can call dramatic where the stakes are high, but that’s a lot of this stuff. I love anything where I get to work with my, you know, Daniel Gillies or with Claire Holt because they’re both fantastic and I just really enjoy that. It’s a lot of fun. I don’t know, but I think that scene from, yeah, episode eleven with what I did with Candice. I really, really enjoyed that. I put a lot into that. I feel like that’s, if I had to show a reel, that would be going on it.
You’ve been traveling to various TVD conventions. What kind of feedback do you get from fans?
The fans are fantastic. They’ve been incredibly accommodating to me and just, it’s just been lovely. I always try to just chat with people about other TV shows they like and about our show and sort of let them know that they’re going to love when this episode happens if you love that storyline because you’re going to see a bit more and trying to keep people excited about it. I’ve had wonderful, wonderful response from all the fans and going to those conventions really kind of makes it real, you know? You’re face-to-face with people who love the show, which at first was a little overwhelming for me because I didn’t realize I suppose the popularity of it. I knew it, but I didn’t really understand it until I saw it. It’s been incredible, incredible going to those conventions.
Well, you learned your lesson about underestimating "The Vampire Diaries."
Yeah, I certainly did.
Would you ever like there to be a crossover episode with another CW show, and what would you think it could be?
You know, the obvious one I suppose is “Secret Circle,” isn’t it, but I’d love to do a crossover with “Supernatural” just because I did “The Bad-Ass Boys of the CW" panel recently. I met Jared Padalecki and I thought he was just like a really, really cool guy and really funny. I got on well with him so I’d like to do that purely for selfish reasons so I can have a scene with Jared Padalecki.
What is it about the social networking site Twitter that made you want to be a part of it?
Initially, because someone was imitating me on Twitter, and I watched them for about two weeks and they had such terrible grammar and everything that I felt like I’m being misrepresented so I joined to clear it up. Also, genuinely really because it, I took the example of the other people in the show who used it. I saw the advantage of being able to talk directly to the fans, to be able to cut out all of the media and speak directly, so it’s really a wonderful thing in that way. Even though I know the responses are all short because they’re one-hundred-and-forty characters, at least this way I can instantly reply to some fans and talk about the show and talk about the films and books and music that inspire me as well. So it’s really about having a more direct connection with the fans, I think.
What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
Just thank you. Thank you so very, very, very much, because you know I’ve worked really hard at this for a while now and this has just been the greatest thing to happen to me, doing this job. It’s really, everybody has been so supportive and not only of “The Vampire Diaries,” but now they’ve become aware of me, of other projects I’ve done as well, like everyone was so wonderful about Immortals and about Angels Crest. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will continue trying to do the best I can and make the character as interesting and as exciting as possible.
Daniel Gillies Talks Elijah's Attraction To Elena And An Originals Spin-Off
During last week's "Vampire Diaries," Mystic Fall's mother of the year Esther devised a clever scheme to kill her devilish son Klaus: She bound all of the Original siblings together with a spell, so that if one of them were to die, they would all die. But if there's one Original sibling that's proven that death is never permanent, it's Elijah.
As actor Daniel Gillies reminds HuffPost TV, he's already died -- and been resurrected -- four times.
In Thursday night's all-new episode, "All in the Family," Elijah will ultimately give Damon and Stefan a dangerous ultimatum where the price is Elena's life. If they want to save Elena, then they have to help Elijah stop his mother from going through with her plan. "Elijah can be a decent master of ceremonies when things need to happen," Gillies said. "He's a bit of a DJ at the forthcoming party."
When it comes to Elijah, we never really know what side he's on, but he does seem to have a blossoming friendship with Elena. Could his fascination with Elena stem from her being one of the Petrova doppelgangers?
"I hate the word doppelganger," explained Gillies. "Don't you find it to be the most unattractive word that you've ever heard? It almost sounds like porn position or something. I don't know what it is about it, but it's the most hideous name that they could have chosen for the show. It's just repulsive. That doesn't mean Elena is at all repulsive! She's gorgeous."
All digressions with the word "doppelganger" aside, Gillies believes that Elijah's immediate attraction to Elena may have stemmed from Elena's likeness to Tatia, the Original Petrova, but it certainly doesn't end there.
"I think that his feelings for Elena are unique to the situation that has arisen," said Gillies. "He's run into this person who demonstrates a kind of triumphant spirit. In the beginning when we met Elijah, she was just an instrument to his immediate desires and nothing more, but I think he prides his courage over all other qualities and the valor of being true to oneself, so the more that he got to know her, the more he adored those qualities in her. She's more noble than anybody."
Wait, does this mean that Elena now has another incredibly good looking guy in love with her? Watch out Delena and Stelena fans, it looks like Gillies is throwing down a few fighting words. (Team Elijana, anyone?)
"He feels something for her more purely than Damon or Stefan ever could because I think their attraction to her was more immediately physical," said Gillies. "Elijah has a deeply spiritual attraction to Elena. I think that they mutually do."
That's not to say, however, that Elena didn't betray his trust when she gave her blood to the Original Witch to complete her binding spell. "There's going to be some hell to pay," said Gillies, and judging from next week's promo, it looks like Barbie Klaus Rebekah is ready to rip Elena's head off.
But for those of you hoping that Esther's spell would somehow backfire, Gillies has some unfortunate news for you: "She's a rather effective witch, so I'm going to guess that she was successful in her endeavor."
She may have been successful casting the spell, but that doesn't mean it will get carried out accordingly. Now that the Original siblings are all bound together, they might just have to learn to play nice.
"There's a considerable degree of tension and distrust between the Original family," said Gillies. "It's a period of great trepidation for everyone involved. If the last trilogy of episodes could have a name it would be called 'The Original Minefield.' If you place your foot in the wrong spot, you're doomed. Proceed with caution is all I'll say."
However, if they plan to take out mommy dearest Esther, they'll have to somehow work together. "It doesn't really make sense for them to be completely in harmony with one another, but that doesn't mean that they can't work toward a common goal," teased the actor.
In fact, Gillies is well aware of the fans’ pleas for an Originals spin-off and said that he already has an entire -- and much more adult -- premise mapped out in his head.
"Lots of people have been talking about a potential spin-off, which we'd all love to do. Claire Holt, Joseph Morgan and I have talked about it. This family is so uniquely creepy, and the writers are slowly starting to humanize them and make them into truly compelling characters. I've always said that it would be neat to watch an R-rated version of this family, kind of like 'The Sopranos.' I see them as gangsters living in some sort of corporate vampire world, living in New York. There would be swearing and violence and all sorts of mischief. Forget 'True Blood,' this would be the best show ever."
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Daniel Gillies Dishes on the Originals, Elijah & Elena and More!
The accent. The hair. The honor. The inability to stay dead.
These are just a few of our favorite things about The Vampire Diaries' Original vampire Elijah, he who is so masterfully played by Daniel Gillies. Seriously, he turned a character who was meant to be the standard three-episode villain into one of the series' most beloved characters, with fans promising to boycott the show should he be killed yet again. (That would be death No. 5 on the show, thankyouverymuch!)
Siblings vs. Mommy Dearest:
While Gillies was coy about what's going down in tonight's episode, in which his mother is attempting to kill Elijah and his siblings (and you thought your mom was bad!), he does tell us, "I would say so!" when we ask if the Originals will be facing off against each other. And though Klaus (Joseph Morgan) has killed and betrayed him, Gillies says the brothers will put their differences aside. "Now they seem like they'll have a common foe, though, in their mother. They're going to need to unite to overcome any adversaries."
Gillies says he's been enjoying the scenes involving all of the Original siblings together, despite the fact that there hasn't been many of them...and there might not be much more to come.
"How long all of us survive is up to Julie Plec and her ruthless pen," he teases. As for Elena's betrayal, Gillies teases, "I can imagine that if he were to find out that Elena had betrayed him, he wouldn't be too happy." Understatement of the century much?
Wishful Thinking:
Esther (Alice Evans) wants to kill her family. Klaus wants to reunite the family. Rebekah (Claire Holt) just wants to be a high school cheerleader and date the quarterback. But what does Elijah want? "That's such a good question. I think Elijah wants some kind of unity with the family," Gillies says. "He probably sees the potential of what they could be in the world being immortals. He would want to harness that. He's certainly not hungry for power. I think he'd be hungry to use the opportunity of immortality."
Gillies is well aware that there are a lot of fans rooting for an Elena and Elijah romance on the show, but he says, "I don't see it happening from a writer's perspective. Do I see its potential for it happening? Absolutely. I can definitely see Elena and Elijah having some sort of romantic thing, but I've got to get in a line about five miles deep."
He's also well aware of the shippers who would like to see him with some of the other ladies in town. "People are always angry at me as an actor, saying that, to me, [Elena] seems like the most likely candidate. I'm saying that also because, not only does she represent this nobility, she's also the only one of that group that he knows," Gillies explains. "He doesn't really socialize with any of the other creatures. He's got a narrow window of options. A lot of the fans are looking at the show and thinking, Aren't there any other girls in this town? Why is everybody falling in love with this girl? I think it's the whole point. It's kind of Shakespearean like that."
Pulling a Felicity:
Sure, fans were thrilled to see Elijah finally return on the show, but that didn't stop them from complaining about his new haircut. And yes, Gillies has read all of your tweets about his hair and wants to set the record straight: "The reason I got a haircut was because I didn't know when I was coming back to the show. For all intents and purposes I was unemployed and I had a terrible haircut, so I changed it." While he hated the haircut, he says, "I chose it for Elijah. I did it deliberately. I wanted him to look nothing like the other boys on the show. I wanted him to look like he came from another time."
He also tells us people really hated his Elijah hair when he first joined the show. "I got, 'You look like a young Republican. It looks sort of like a choir boy. This is the year 2012, it's not 1993. What the f--k is wrong with you?' And then suddenly because he was just so malevolent, they did a 180 on it."
Joseph Morgan Talks Vampire Diaries
Klaus on "The Vampire Diaries" could be prime-time television's nastiest villain. How to describe him?
"Playful, manipulative, deadly, sociopathic. That's just off the top of my head," says Joseph Morgan, who plays Klaus. "I've always said he's a button pusher. He likes to see how far he can push people."
The British actor, who is 30, is coming to Orlando to push fans' buttons at MegaCon, which bills itself as "the largest comic book, anime, gaming and multimedia event in the Southeast." The convention opens Friday. Morgan will be part of a Saturday panel and attend the event Sunday. It will be just his third convention to come face to face with fans.
"I've got a little grasp of how much they love the show through Twitter and being online," Morgan says. "The thing I enjoy most is the Q-and-A. I'm self-conscious in photo shoots. I much prefer to do interviews and talk about the work. I look forward to Q-and-A and to let people into the world" of "Vampire Diaries."
"I suppose the biggest challenge is he's been alive a thousand years," Morgan says.
The actor says he's constantly learning details about Klaus' back story and incorporating them into his performance. Morgan has found humanity in the breathtakingly wicked Klaus.
"It's a natural progression," Morgan says. "He started off as two-dimensional, but thanks to good writing, there have been some strong elements of humanity. He needs to evolve. Otherwise, people will just hate him. Unless he develops more human attributes, people will find him hard to relate to."
Klaus' ancient siblings recently ganged up on him, until they all were stunned by their mother's return. She has hatched a startling plan to wipe out her offspring, which is a scary development for the actors.
"Initially, I was signed for four guest episodes at the end of season two. There was the potential to become a regular, which I am now," Morgan says.
But that's no guarantee of a long run. "With all American television, you sign a contract for a few years, but that can be revoked," Morgan says. "Aunt Jenna signed for six years, but then she only did two." (Sara Canning played the heroine's aunt, until the character was killed, always a great hazard in a supernatural drama.)
Morgan's run depends on whether producers want to continue with Klaus' storyline. Morgan's scenes with Orlando's Candice Accola, who plays Caroline, have been reason to keep him around.
"I did that scene in episode 11 where I heal her, but it's slightly a seduction," Morgan says. "I was pleased with the writing and keen to work with her. I'm a fan of her work. I think she's great. I think we've got this great chemistry, this on-screen relationship. I read she has great chemistry with everyone. So it's not just me. We have a lot of fun on set. She doesn't take herself too seriously, and neither do I."
Make no mistake, though: He's thrilled to have taken the role of Klaus. "It's been the best decision I could have made," Morgan says. "It really has put me in the public eye and given me an amazing fan base that's been so supportive. I've never been a part of American TV. Seventeen episodes [so far] and many to come, I hope."
"Playful, manipulative, deadly, sociopathic. That's just off the top of my head," says Joseph Morgan, who plays Klaus. "I've always said he's a button pusher. He likes to see how far he can push people."
The British actor, who is 30, is coming to Orlando to push fans' buttons at MegaCon, which bills itself as "the largest comic book, anime, gaming and multimedia event in the Southeast." The convention opens Friday. Morgan will be part of a Saturday panel and attend the event Sunday. It will be just his third convention to come face to face with fans.
"I've got a little grasp of how much they love the show through Twitter and being online," Morgan says. "The thing I enjoy most is the Q-and-A. I'm self-conscious in photo shoots. I much prefer to do interviews and talk about the work. I look forward to Q-and-A and to let people into the world" of "Vampire Diaries."
"I suppose the biggest challenge is he's been alive a thousand years," Morgan says.
The actor says he's constantly learning details about Klaus' back story and incorporating them into his performance. Morgan has found humanity in the breathtakingly wicked Klaus.
"It's a natural progression," Morgan says. "He started off as two-dimensional, but thanks to good writing, there have been some strong elements of humanity. He needs to evolve. Otherwise, people will just hate him. Unless he develops more human attributes, people will find him hard to relate to."
Klaus' ancient siblings recently ganged up on him, until they all were stunned by their mother's return. She has hatched a startling plan to wipe out her offspring, which is a scary development for the actors.
"Initially, I was signed for four guest episodes at the end of season two. There was the potential to become a regular, which I am now," Morgan says.
But that's no guarantee of a long run. "With all American television, you sign a contract for a few years, but that can be revoked," Morgan says. "Aunt Jenna signed for six years, but then she only did two." (Sara Canning played the heroine's aunt, until the character was killed, always a great hazard in a supernatural drama.)
Morgan's run depends on whether producers want to continue with Klaus' storyline. Morgan's scenes with Orlando's Candice Accola, who plays Caroline, have been reason to keep him around.
"I did that scene in episode 11 where I heal her, but it's slightly a seduction," Morgan says. "I was pleased with the writing and keen to work with her. I'm a fan of her work. I think she's great. I think we've got this great chemistry, this on-screen relationship. I read she has great chemistry with everyone. So it's not just me. We have a lot of fun on set. She doesn't take herself too seriously, and neither do I."
Make no mistake, though: He's thrilled to have taken the role of Klaus. "It's been the best decision I could have made," Morgan says. "It really has put me in the public eye and given me an amazing fan base that's been so supportive. I've never been a part of American TV. Seventeen episodes [so far] and many to come, I hope."
Julie Plec on Tonights Episode and The Rest of Season 3
Last Thursday on The Vampire Diaries, we finally met the Original Witch and mother to the Originals, Esther. She decided that she needed to correct the mistake she made so many years ago and kill her vampire children with Elena’s help. Tonight, on “All My Children” we find out if her spell to kill them works.
Are the Originals going play a major role in an upcoming arc?
I can’t really speak much past tonight's episode because we have advertised that in ["All My Children"] Ester tries to annihilate her entire family, so I’m not going to say much beyond that.
Are we supposed to believe going into the episode that all the Original children drank from their glasses?
Yes. It’s not only what we are supposed to believe, but it’s what is true. I’ve seen some people speculating that Elijah didn’t drink from the glass. But, no, he did. They drank it alright. They are linked.
Romance seems to be amiss in Mystic Falls right now. All the couples have broken up. Will we be seeing couples get together or will they be staying apart?
There is no happiness in Mudville. No joy in Mudville. Now is not a good time to be in love in Mystic Falls. There’s a lot going on. There’s been a lot of heartbreak, a lot of chaos, a lot of tragedy. I do feel like as we move forward we are starting to come out the other side in small ways. The rest of the season will not be without some pretty heavy duty, awesome, romantic moments across the board for all couples, even the ones who are maybe struggling a little bit.
Stefan seems to be returning to the Stefan that we used to know and love. Is he still drinking blood or is he coming out the other side?
Going into [tonight's] episode the question is that we actually don’t really know where he is at all. He’s not really being very forthright about it. Damon has speculated quite a lot about the crumbling of that wall — that switch. Elena seems to have picked up on the fact that Stefan is going out of his way to make her hate him. And, he’s trying to disconnect from her and no matter how hard she tries to get him to admit that he’s actually feeling and that he’s got his humanity back in full working order. He is very much sticking to the story which is that he won’t let himself feel, even if he can, because it is too painful.
In the next couple episodes and as we move forward, it’s really going to shed a lot of light on Stefan’s true state of mind. And, we’re going to start to understand what’s making him tick a little bit more and then start to see how that impacts his relationship with Damon and his relationship with Elena.
One of my favorite relationship dynamics involves Caroline. She has played the field more than anyone with Matt,Tyler and now possibly Klaus interested in her. Will Caroline now have her own love triangle?
The Caroline character for us is really important because she’s a girl, who was kinda weak and insecure and very needy as a human. And, in becoming a vampire actually found her strength as a woman. One of the most fun things to see is how this girl, who used to just want someone to choose her and put her first, now has multiple men who love her deeply. And, Matt loved her at one point. Tyler loves her. And, even Klaus in his early stages has this attraction in her and this interest in her. And, I think the best part of watching Caroline is gonna be how does she respond to finally realizing that she’s a desirable human being worthy of this love and what does she want. What does she want now? What will she want later? Where is she going to continue to change and grow? She has a long rich life ahead of her to figure these things out. Hopefully, knock on wood.
I think that what Matt represented to her was the very sweetness of first teenage love. And, what Tyler represents is what two people who went through war together and went through hell and shared very similar dark, deep experiences and came out the other side very bonded, lifelong bonded to each other.
And, what Klaus represents is this world outside of Mystic Falls, that she probably never even thought of, where Miss Mystic Falls pageants, and Saturday night movies, and chili cook-offs and all that mean nothing compared to the beauty of the world that exists out there for her. And, she’s really, truly growing up and becoming her own. And, we will start seeing her make decisions about what she wants out of life.
Is Jeremy officially gone or are there plans for him to return?
Jeremy is not officially gone. Jeremy is sitting in Denver with family friends living his life presumably happily. Life gets interrupted. We will be seeing him. We definitely will see him.
What can you tease about the rest of the season?
The rest of the season is centered around some very specific stories. One of which is that we started telling the audience that there is potentially a serial killer in Mystic Falls. The episode where we come back after the next little mini-hiatus really dives right into that mystery and tells us, starts to give us a sense of what’s actually going on and who’s behind this strange trail of bodies that have been stacking up. That villain and that mystery will be driving us towards the end of the season very hard.
As will the realization amongst Elena, Stefan and Damon, that two brothers in love with the same girl and the girl torn between her feelings for two brothers needs to come to its own head. And, that when all is said and done, Elena is going to have to figure out what it is that she wants.
By the end of the season, we’ll have the return of Tyler and Jeremy, who will come back to Mystic Falls and relationships and people that are very different than they left behind. There is going to be a lot of trying to sort out what has become of this town in their absence.
Video Interviews With Persia, Kat, Candice and Robert on Location
Kat Graham Says Bonnie Will Go Against Elena and Stand by It
The Vampire Diaries' Kat Graham says her character Bonnie isn't always the fan favorite — and she's more than OK with that.
"[They've] made Bonnie a character that people either worship or go against because she goes against the vampires," Graham told on the Atlanta set. "All you can really ask for is that you give people those reactions, evoke something. I don't care what it is as long as you feel it."
On Thursday's episode, Bonnie is in a particularly sticky situation. She and her estranged mother Abby (Persia White) are an important piece of the puzzle for Esther to carry out her plan to eviscerate the Original siblings. Bonnie is further torn when her best friend Elena (Nina Dobrev) has reservations about killing Elijah (Daniel Gillies).
"Bonnie's not a vengeful person, there's always a purpose behind [her actions]," Graham says. "Whether she's wrong or right by audience standards she firmly stands by it. If she goes against Elena, or even Elena going against Bonnie, it would be because they both have this conviction that what they're doing is right. That's important to remember watching the upcoming episodes."
With Abby on Bonnie's side, the two are not only exploring their strength as a mother-daughter witch team, but a possible relationship that they've never had. "Bonnie is making an effort and I think Abby is too ... to try and keep everyone in the town safe and to try and be there for each other. How successful they will both be is yet to be discovered or seen, but for right now the effort it being made," she says.
Graham adds that the Season 3 take-charge Bonnie has grown leaps and bounds since the girl in the pilot. "There's a courage now," Graham says. "In the beginning she wouldn't have gone against so many people because she was still figuring out who she was. By the second season she knew who she was and by the third season it's her doing something because of who she is and she has the power to do it." And as Bonnie continues to puts herself in the line of fire, Graham warns that it could lead to grave circumstances for her. "I love that they play with my mortality so much," she says. "But I don't think there's anyone you shouldn't be worried about."
Watch this week's Vampire Diaries Bite for more on Bonnie's romantic life and why Graham loves that "she's not a slut."
Kat Graham,
Season 3,
Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries - Elena's jealous streak plus the Damon moment we won't get to see
Last week's "Vampire Diaries" wrapped up with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Rebekah (Claire Holt) in the throes of a hot vampire hookup. In Season 1, this would be par for the course with Damon, but lately he's only had eyes for Elena (Nina Dobrev), so many fans were taken aback when he decided to go to bed (or up against the wall as the case may be) with a woman who had tried to kill Elena just 24 hours earlier.
Of course, Elena had just given him a rather outright rejection. Still, when she heads over to Chez Salvatore early in this week's episode, "All My Children," she's not going to be particularly pleased to discover a certain blonde in his bed. A little jealousy, perhaps? (Spoiler alert: Yes.)
There was some debate in the comments of our last recap as to whether the show's writers were aware of how badly Elena treated Damon at the bar. Rest assured -- she's not going to be let off the hook. "Elena is going to be pissed on multiple levels, but she also understands that, in a way, she sort of pulled the trigger on that," executive producer Julie Plec told reporters last week. "Damon has every right to be angry with her as well, and a lot of people are going to continue to be angry with each other as this unfolds in the next episode."
Though this will definitely count as a setback in their relationship, Damon isn't abandoning the growth we've seen over the last two seasons. It's not in Damon's nature to go home and cry over a girl while staring pensively out a window and writing in a diary, but he's not about to go on a killing spree, either.
"The thing with Damon is, as we've seen, when he's hurt, he lashes out, and in a way, this is the most cruel way he could have lashed out," Plec says. "But it also shows a peculiar evolution in him as a character. Rather than take it out on an innocent person on the road, he's striking where it hurts the most, very specifically, [for] Elena. By no means is it gentlemanly behavior, but certainly it was fun to watch."
Damon fans can look forward to a little bit more insight into his character when the series returns from a hiatus in March. We've seen Stefan's background explored quite thoroughly -- we know that he's been the Ripper, he's been Klaus's bestie, he's been a Bon Jovi superfan, he's been an Ivy Leaguer -- but for Damon, the years between 1864 and 2009 remain a mystery.
Now, we'll meet Sage ("Smallville" star Cassidy Freeman), a vampire who helped Damon become the deliciously devious guy we met in the pilot.
"I haven't seen [her episode], I've only heard that she's awesome," Plec says. "Cassidy Freeman's character is a vampire that we'll meet in our 16th episode, which is the first episode in March back. The episode is called '1912' and it's timed about 100 years ago... when Damon was still the Damon that walked out the door in a huff of disappointment and piousness when his brother was out of control in 1864."
Sage, described as "ballsy and sexy and dynamic and fun," will have a major influence on Damon -- whether a good influence or a bad influence, we'll let you decide. Plec adds, "Somewhere between 1864 and the pilot episode Damon became the Damon that we know and love. This episode kind of gives us a little glimpse into that and what this character Sage had to do with it."
You may have picked up on a particularly loaded moment between Original little bro Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) and Damon when they met at the Ball this week. If you recall, Damon suggested that he and Kol may have met before, and Kol said, "You don't particularly stand out," dismissively. When "Dangerous Liaisons" was filmed, the writers had intended to explore a bit of backstory between the characters in 1912.
"Our intention was to have them cross in a very fun 'who was that guy?' kind of moment," Plec tells us, "but then we ended up the story went in a different direction. We had a whole great Damon/Kol night out." The moment was never actually written or shot, so don't expect to see it on your DVD extras. It featured a lighthearted drunken bar brawl. "A kind of drunk, don't remember anything, but in our drunk night of brotherhood we had a moment [thing]," Plec says. It'll have to live on in your imaginations.
Another thing we won't see? What went down with Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Kol during that era. We know that Kol was daggered and stuck in a coffin around 1912, but Plec tells us we won't get more details in the episode about what Kol did that set Klaus off. When we ask if we'll ever get to see that story unfold, Plec wavers, given the fact that right now, it would appear that the Original family is not long for this world. "As long as the Originals are alive there are stories to tell about their pasts with each other and how they ended up in those coffins," she says carefully.
The same holds true for the story of Tatia, the Original Petrova, who we should not expect to see this season. That's a story that will only be told if Klaus or Elijah survives into Season 4, Plec explains. "[It's a question of] how many originals are left to tell the tale when all is said and done. If there's any standing, maybe that's a story we'll tell one day," she teases.
Tune in Thursday at 8 p.m. EST to see the fall-out from the Ball (teased by Somerhalder and Dobrev below). Unfortunately, you've got a few weeks to wait for the flashback episode, but knowing that more juicy Damon details are about to be revealed should keep you happy while you wait.
Of course, Elena had just given him a rather outright rejection. Still, when she heads over to Chez Salvatore early in this week's episode, "All My Children," she's not going to be particularly pleased to discover a certain blonde in his bed. A little jealousy, perhaps? (Spoiler alert: Yes.)
There was some debate in the comments of our last recap as to whether the show's writers were aware of how badly Elena treated Damon at the bar. Rest assured -- she's not going to be let off the hook. "Elena is going to be pissed on multiple levels, but she also understands that, in a way, she sort of pulled the trigger on that," executive producer Julie Plec told reporters last week. "Damon has every right to be angry with her as well, and a lot of people are going to continue to be angry with each other as this unfolds in the next episode."
Though this will definitely count as a setback in their relationship, Damon isn't abandoning the growth we've seen over the last two seasons. It's not in Damon's nature to go home and cry over a girl while staring pensively out a window and writing in a diary, but he's not about to go on a killing spree, either.
"The thing with Damon is, as we've seen, when he's hurt, he lashes out, and in a way, this is the most cruel way he could have lashed out," Plec says. "But it also shows a peculiar evolution in him as a character. Rather than take it out on an innocent person on the road, he's striking where it hurts the most, very specifically, [for] Elena. By no means is it gentlemanly behavior, but certainly it was fun to watch."
Damon fans can look forward to a little bit more insight into his character when the series returns from a hiatus in March. We've seen Stefan's background explored quite thoroughly -- we know that he's been the Ripper, he's been Klaus's bestie, he's been a Bon Jovi superfan, he's been an Ivy Leaguer -- but for Damon, the years between 1864 and 2009 remain a mystery.
Now, we'll meet Sage ("Smallville" star Cassidy Freeman), a vampire who helped Damon become the deliciously devious guy we met in the pilot.
"I haven't seen [her episode], I've only heard that she's awesome," Plec says. "Cassidy Freeman's character is a vampire that we'll meet in our 16th episode, which is the first episode in March back. The episode is called '1912' and it's timed about 100 years ago... when Damon was still the Damon that walked out the door in a huff of disappointment and piousness when his brother was out of control in 1864."
Sage, described as "ballsy and sexy and dynamic and fun," will have a major influence on Damon -- whether a good influence or a bad influence, we'll let you decide. Plec adds, "Somewhere between 1864 and the pilot episode Damon became the Damon that we know and love. This episode kind of gives us a little glimpse into that and what this character Sage had to do with it."
You may have picked up on a particularly loaded moment between Original little bro Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) and Damon when they met at the Ball this week. If you recall, Damon suggested that he and Kol may have met before, and Kol said, "You don't particularly stand out," dismissively. When "Dangerous Liaisons" was filmed, the writers had intended to explore a bit of backstory between the characters in 1912.
"Our intention was to have them cross in a very fun 'who was that guy?' kind of moment," Plec tells us, "but then we ended up the story went in a different direction. We had a whole great Damon/Kol night out." The moment was never actually written or shot, so don't expect to see it on your DVD extras. It featured a lighthearted drunken bar brawl. "A kind of drunk, don't remember anything, but in our drunk night of brotherhood we had a moment [thing]," Plec says. It'll have to live on in your imaginations.
Another thing we won't see? What went down with Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Kol during that era. We know that Kol was daggered and stuck in a coffin around 1912, but Plec tells us we won't get more details in the episode about what Kol did that set Klaus off. When we ask if we'll ever get to see that story unfold, Plec wavers, given the fact that right now, it would appear that the Original family is not long for this world. "As long as the Originals are alive there are stories to tell about their pasts with each other and how they ended up in those coffins," she says carefully.
The same holds true for the story of Tatia, the Original Petrova, who we should not expect to see this season. That's a story that will only be told if Klaus or Elijah survives into Season 4, Plec explains. "[It's a question of] how many originals are left to tell the tale when all is said and done. If there's any standing, maybe that's a story we'll tell one day," she teases.
Tune in Thursday at 8 p.m. EST to see the fall-out from the Ball (teased by Somerhalder and Dobrev below). Unfortunately, you've got a few weeks to wait for the flashback episode, but knowing that more juicy Damon details are about to be revealed should keep you happy while you wait.
Zach Roerig Talks Mortality, Being a Team Player, and Matt's Current Living Situation
It can't be easy playing a good guy on a show full of badasses, but for three seasons now, Zach Roerig's been holding things down as Matt Donovan, Mystic Falls' most decent and emotionally conflicted human being. A joke I fall back on in my recaps is that Matt is like the human version of comfort food: He's just a solid guy who tends to be there in each character's time of need. And, you know, he occasionally looks like creamy, golden mashed potatoes. (Quick question: Is this racist?) Anyway, I kid because I love: Matt's actually a crucial element in Mystic Falls, and this week Roerig nicely took a few minutes to provide some insight on the subject.
Considering this show's mortality rate so far, is any part of you surprised that Matt hasn't been killed off yet?
Yeah, I mean, that that was definitely a fear for a while. Am I gonna get killed off? But then I just sort of started seeing the importance of my character and being okay with that and humbling myself, because I think Matt is kind of like a big piece of humble pie for Mystic Falls. He just kind of brings a realness, you know, in the viewer's eyes. Like you're watching all these crazy things going on that you know in your mind are not real and can't be possible, then you see a real guy with real problems navigating his way through all of this and doing it with just the purest intentions and best heart.
He's like a grounding influence.
Yeah, definitely, I feel like Matt's definitely a grounding influence on the show.
Matt's kind of a quintessential good guy, an All-American teenager, but as an actor do you ever wish that you could be a little more evil or over the top like your co-stars?
Yeah, I mean definitely it might be fun to explore darker areas, but I'm not terribly envious of the other storylines, like "Oh, I wish I could do that, I wish I could do that," because I'm content with what I'm doing and I'd be very unhappy to think like that. So I've really just kind of humbled myself with who Matt is, why he's important on the show. And also in the past in my career I've played a lot of jerks. And Matt's the only guy I've ever played who has 100 percent through and through been a good guy.
So it's actually sort of nice getting to play a good guy?
Yeah it has been nice. I think at this point though it would be nice to kind of play Matt being fed up with all the crap that's happened to him and his friends and everything that's all kind of generated from all the vampires being in this town.
It seems like this season Matt's definitely starting to become fed up with what's going on. Is that how you've been approaching the character lately?
Yeah, I've been using this analogy: Matt's a football player. He was the team quarterback and he's now becoming a part of a different, very unique team. Like, you always see the Salvatore brothers teaming with either Caroline or Bonnie or Alaric— Everyone's got a purpose. And now Matt's kind of found himself as a member of that team, and while Matt might be daring and a bit courageous, I don't think he's reckless. I think he learned a valuable lesson from his little swimming pool incident. He's definitely a mortal. And so I think Matt's just going to have to figure out how to be the best asset on his team.
He hasn't typically had the same amount of screen time as some of the other characters, but a lot of his scenes this season have been really emotional. Is that something that kind of comes easy for you? Can you just turn it on?
I've worked with girls who can literally just look away from you and then turn back around crying, and I was like, "Holy..." How do they do it? I mean it's not like that for me, but you know, working on a television show in its third season, whether I'm working all the time on screen with these actors or not, we've all become very rooted here in Atlanta together and we're all pretty close at the end of the day. So when you're that connected with a person in a scene and staying in the moment, I think it just makes it much easier to get to those emotional levels.
Before I ever watched The Vampire Diaries, I knew you from Friday Night Lights, where you played Tyra's pill-poppin' cowboy boyfriend. That show was known for its more handheld, organic style whereas TVD is more locked-down and storyboarded. Do you have to adjust your performance based on how something is filmed, or do you just do your thing and not worry about the cameras?
Well sometimes you really do, especially on our show because we are kind of a locked-in show and we do a lot of close-ups, a lot of tight shots, so it kind of does in some ways limit your movements, stuff like that. Whereas Friday Night Lights was so completely opposite. That show threw me for a loop when I first started because I had never worked like that. You know, there was no blocking, there was no dress rehearsal, it was just like, "Go! We'll film it!" You know? With improvising, just the whole bit. I at that point had just come off of As the World Turns and a few other jobs, but that was definitely a much different working environment. Then I came to love it, it was a good way to spend 12-14 hours.
And I've heard Friday Night Lights filmed pretty fast. Do you ever miss that speed?
Yeah, I definitely miss the speed of it in the sense— It seemed like everyone was always having a good time. And everyone has a good time on our show and we love our jobs, but sometimes those long days and grueling schedules can kind of kill people's morale, so I would say Friday Night Lights' schedule had a much better effect on the crew's morale.
I know future storylines are pretty much still being worked on or they're under wraps, but are you able to tell me anything about how Matt will factor in as the season goes on?
I can definitely say that fans can expect to see Matt and Elena kind of rediscovering a new friendship, sort of developing it within their old one. How close that friendship goes I'm not completely sure yet. I think you can definitely look to see Matt playing a role in everything, just being a team player.
You can be honest. Is Matt homeless? Does he eat out of dumpsters?
[Laughing] I think Matt probably divides his time staying at home and in the Mystic Grill stock room.
Does he sleep there?
I think he does some nights, yes definitely. You know, those nights where he's working late and his truck doesn't start, where else is he gonna go?
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