Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Vampire Diaries - Interview With Candice Accola

What’s Caroline majoring in?
Caroline is acting as any other college freshman would and is just showing up and hoping she can figure out what she’s going to do with the rest of her life… one kegger at a time.

Will we see some parties?
There is a really fun college party in the season opener. So we get to see the girls go out for their official college experience and go to their first college party.

We hear she has a nemesis in the new professor. Can you talk about that?
Ooh, not really, but that sounds very exciting. We are going to see a new professor, and I know there’s been some people thinking that this professor is anything like Professor Shane. And it’s not. This is a completely different college professor, and we’re going to learn more about him as the season goes on.

It doesn’t sound like he has much in common with Alaric, either.
No, he’s definitely not very similar to Alaric. They both have light-colored hair, but this college professor is nowhere to be seen at the bar. He’s more actually in the classroom.

Damon won’t be knocking back drinks with him?
No, I don’t think Damon and him are going to throw back any whiskeys.

Caroline is very close with Stefan. Will she catch on that there’s something up with him?
Caroline and Stefan fans will see some great opportunities for them to have scenes together this year. Not right when we kick off in the season, because Caroline is really focused on being at school, but as the series goes on, we’ll see some great moments.

How does Bonnie figure into the girls’ college experience?
As far as Caroline and Elena know, Bonnie’s alive and well and has been busy with her family. So the girls really don’t know anything. So, they’re just waiting for Bonnie to show up at school.

Is there any quintessential college experience Caroline has that you’re really excited for viewers to see?
Oh, I think the moving day is really great. The season premiere. I just recently flew down to Orlando with my parents and we all moved my little brother into his dorm for his freshman year of school. And so we were really excited, and it was really reminiscent of when we were filming the first episode. And I never went to college, so it was really great to live through that experience through him and then to work many years after I should’ve graduated from college. So it was pretty fun.

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