The 2 newest cast members to join TVD...
Torrey DeVitto (aka Paul Wesley's wife) has landed herself a recurring role in TVD as an intelligent doctor who is intrigued by Alaric's power of recovery. (In other words... It sounds like Alaric is once again about to die!!!!) She will first appear in episode 3x10
Persia White has been cast to play Abby Bennett (Bonnie's mother) She will first appear in 3x12 and be a recurring character. Abby is described as a beautiful but troubled woman who is burdened by the secrets of her past that led her to leave Bonnie. She’s also “as determined and fiery as any Bennett woman.” Is that code for “she’s also a witch,” or, perhaps, was there a reason we learned in last week’s episode that someone can be either a witch or a vampire but never both?
Wow... :P Torrey!!! <3 <3 <3