Saturday 11 February 2012

Zach Roerig talks relationships

I’d be lying if I said I never thought about The Vampire Diaries‘ noblest creature, Matt Donovan, testing the waters with one of Mystic Falls’ eligible cougars — and apparently, so has Zach Roerig! “Matt needs an older mentor to talk to, and he’s probably also lonely in a physical sense so I could see him turning to Sheriff Forbes or Carol Lockwood. He’s got some serious mommy issues.”
But because Matt’s too much of a decent human being — I doubt he’d actually hook up with his ex-girlfriend and ex-best friend’s moms, respectively — Zach’s got another potential lady friend in mind for Mystic Falls’ noblest creature:
“I don’t see Matt getting with any of the younger girls on the show at this point in time,” he says. “But if I could be guaranteed not to be killed for doing so, I could see Matt maybe hook up with Rebekah [Claire Holt]. Maybe she feeds on him a little and doesn’t kill him.”
Let’s talk more about Matt’s mommy issues. He’s living all alone in that crappy little house now, right?
“As far as we know, yeah. We haven’t seen it in a long time, though — just the garage. Actually, the house we used to film the exterior of Matt’s house burned down last year. So we won’t be returning to that anytime soon.”
Last week, I described Matt as being the “human Band-Aid” because he just comes in and makes everything better. Do you agree with that?
“Oh, maybe that was you! I was just saying in another interview that, after Caroline’s dad died, someone wrote that he was like a human Band-Aid. And I totally agree with that. That’s kind of the only thing he has going for him. That’s his super power. His super powers are instantly melting away people’s problems. He also has nothing to lose, so he’s kind of a wild card.”
Speaking of super powers, you said you were happy to be holding down “Team Human,” but could you ever see Matt switching teams?
“Actually, when Melinda Clarke was playing Matt’s mom, they were originally going to have her be a Succubus. And if she were a Succubus, that would make Matt a Succubi, which would happen when he matured to 18. I don’t know if your history serves you well enough to know, but Merlin was actually a Succubi.”
Oh, I didn’t know that.
“Yeah, me neither. Not until I looked it up.”
Matt would be more of a Succu-bro, anyway.
“Yeah, that’s probably true.”
So what about Matt and Tyler? Any chance their friendship will ever get back to what it once was?
“This is a very difficult time for Matt and Tyler. They’re always going to be friends, but Matt’s just now getting a handle on what he’s surrounded by. First Matt had to understand that Tyler was a werewolf, and how a hybrid. Matt’s always going to be understanding of Tyler’s problems, but I don’t think he’s going to trust him again.”
Torrey DeVitto, has said she’s always worried her character is going to get killed off. Do you have similar fears?
“I spent the better part of two years worrying about that. We used to joke around that this was likeSurvivor if you weren’t a vampire. But at this point, I’ve stopped worrying about it. You can’t worry about it — it’ll make you go crazy. And our writers are all cool and they keep us up to date. But Matt’s always got a chance of dying. Every situation he’s in presents a new chance for him to die.”
Matt’s drama is very much tied into everyone else’s. Will we see him get his own problems anytime soon?
“I think the only original drama you’ll see from Matt stems from his relationship with Elena — from when they were to kids to what they’ve matured into, and how they got there. If you remember, at the beginning of the series, you see Matt and Elena in the hallway, and you can tell they weren’t friends anymore. He’s probably got a chip on his shoulder from that, and he’s just starting to fully understand what’s happening.”
Does Matt have any college plans?
“I don’t know if Matt wants to go to Mystic Falls Community College, but I don’t think he’s got any other prospects.”
I have never seen him do any homework.
“Yeah. MFCC — that’s where Matt’s headed.”

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