Friday 13 April 2012

An Insight To The Photo From 3x20 That Worried Us

So, you recently saw the promotional photos for 3x20 at the upcoming decade dance episode, but one photo had us particularly worried. In this shot, Elena (Nina Dobrev) looks beautiful in her 1920s garb -- but she's clearly not having a good night as she breaks down crying in the arms of her date, Stefan (Paul Wesley). 

She's got an injury, unless that's someone else's blood on the cloth in her hand, but we know Elena isn't the type to cry over her own bloodshed. We caught up with executive producer Julie Plec at Warner Bros' Television Out of the Box opening at the Paley Center in Beverly Hills on Thursday night to find out why Elena will be so horribly distraught.

Is it a my-love-life-is-a-disaster cry? A someone-I-love-just-died-in-the-gym cry?

"It's an 'a lot has happened in our lives, a lot has torn us apart' cry," Plec says. "A lot has gone down on the evening of the decade dance, and it's two people who really just need to hold each other. They need to feel something with each other. It's a beautiful moment, but it is sad. That's a very sad episode."


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