Thursday 29 November 2012

Grace Phipps Interview

How hard is it to be very aware of what's going on, but still be that character who has no idea?
Well, in this particular situation, I have to [eventually] come to the conclusion that there are vampires and werewolves and hybrids in your hometown. That's not like a logical place to go. So when all these things are happening, especially when our memories are being erased, it does not make sense to assume, just because you have to play an insane character, like, “Wait a minute. Something’s fishy. I bet there are vampires.”

That’s true, and she takes it kind of in stride, like ‘Oh, the Grill's closed. That's weird. Oh, well.’

Yeah. I think the audience is looking for all those things, and April is so clearly not looking for it.

Do you think she's at all aware of what her father was doing?
I think April, when she was at boarding school, wasn't really talking a lot with her dad. Her dad was just like the dad archetype for her. They weren't really talking intimately about anything in each other's lives. I think probably April was really close with her mom, and when she died when she was younger, her whole parent relationship kind of died with it.

Is this all going to unravel at some point? It will come as a huge shock to this really nice girl?
Yeah. I don't think April knew anything was going on. Probably whenever April talked to her dad, it was all about how to be good and being moral and making good grades and those kinds of fatherly lectures, instead of like, “How are you doing, kid?”

If you had a choice between becoming an ally to Team Supernatural or continuing her father's work, which I assume is to annihilate all of them, where do you see April going?
I think April wouldn't ever want to destroy a supernatural enemy. She's not going to want all the vampires gone. I don't think. I think April's too intelligent and curious to want that. But being kept in the dark is not a fun thing.

The thing about keeping secrets, as shown with Jenna, is that if you keep a secret, someone’s more at risk. You don't tell your family what is going on to keep them safe. But really, somebody shows up at the house, and then all of a sudden, Aunt Jenna's compelled because she didn't know about vampires.

Should we expect more damsel in distress scenes for April?

I think for the show to function, they need a little bit of that, but as an audience member, you need a human. You need somebody to bring it back to where the audience was in Episode 1 because otherwise it becomes a complete soap opera without all the supernatural stuff. You need somebody to be like, “Okay. Wait a minute. Hold up. This is crazy.” Bringing it back. And then the other characters are going to have to rationalize it. And I think for the show to function, that's really important. It's the same thing when Buffy [the Vampire Slayer] added Dawn in Season 5. By that point, all of the Scoobys were helping Buffy kill vampires. So you need somebody who's able to be captured and be helped because every character on the show is just so able to rescue at this point. They need somebody to rescue.

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