Tuesday 16 April 2013

8 Things About 4x19 'Pictures Of You'

1. We’re getting a lot of questions about “Klaroline,” so… What’s going on there? Not a whole lot. There is a moment where it almost looks like Caroline and Klaus have a friendship or a shared fondness for one another, but I’ve got to be honest and say this is probably not the greatest episode for “Klaroline shippers”… although, Caroline does end up having a good prom night.

2. Bonnie gets some moments of fierceness. Bonnie’s put through the wringer this week, and it sounds like with each emotion, her powers seem to get stronger. Look for some moments of pure Bonnie awesome that the show has been lacking for a while.

3. On that same note… Stefan and Damon decide that maybe the key to getting Elena to turn her emotions back on is to give her really strong, well, emotions. Lexi’s not around to make it happen, but maybe something will get through to her before she’s even further gone? On the bright side, at least she’s not killing people as much.

4. Alaric gets a mention from Elena! Does this mean we’ll see him again soon? I sure hope so. RIP Cult.

5. Rebekah wants to prove that she can function as a human, so she pledges to go to the dance without using any vampire magic. On the flip side, that might mean she has no one to dance with, unless that human Matt Donovan finally gives in.

6. The Originals pilot is kind of set up at the end. This bit took me out of it a little bit, because it was clearly what sends Klaus off for whatever he does next week. It did feel a little tacked on, though.

7. Lots of other stuff happens that we can’t talk about. That includes the this of that, the thing between him and her, and the time when that person runs into that other person.

8. Elijah. So is it worth seeing? There are some moments and some definite surprises that will set up this last run of five episodes. I’m definitely on for the ride, though I seriously hope someone kills April before everything is said and done.


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