Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Originals - 5 Short Teasers From 1x04 "Girl In New Orleans"

1. Davina’s Day Out
While the teenage witch gets her first taste of freedom, by the end of the day, she’ll be more or less happy to return to the attic.

2. Klaus’ New BFF
Klaus and Cami become closer for a couple of reasons, and we get a glimpse at the softer side of our favorite villain.

3. Marcel’s Queen
Marcel and Rebekah share a particularly intense scene where they call each other out for being jealous.

4. Hayley’s Savior(s)
Elijah can’t protect Hayley while he’s daggered and all, but luckily, she has a couple of people watching her back.

5. Cami’s Startling Secret
Just because she’s human doesn’t mean she’s boring. We learn exactly why Cami is in New Orleans…and it’s downright shocking.

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